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People say Hi because it is kind and welcoming to say if no one said hi you wouldn't no if they want to talk or just want to keep going! Saying hi is a short version of hello so you don't have to say the long word you can just say hi instead!

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13y ago
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13y ago

The saying peace is derived from AssalamuAlaikum (peace be upon you), and was popularized by Nation of Islam members in urban areas in the early 70's.

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11y ago

Mentally disorder people uses such a word porter. In good sense porter is a job and every job will be respected. As far as I know. Inferiority complex people uses

such a word to insult a person. Such a people have some thing wrong in head.

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12y ago

reason 1 is they want to know and reason 2 is bacause sometimes they want to tic you off

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