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Most men Or should I say children are not circumcised because there is no reasonable reason to damage the penis in so doing. Male genital mutilation is a practice shunned in most of the world

It is only done if the foreskin is too tight for the gland to move in and out freely. Some religions do it as a matter of course though.

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12y ago

One should ask instead why would one remove the foreskin from the penis. and as there is no reason to do so it stands to reason that it is not a widely practiced pastime. Less then 20% of the worlds men are circumcised and most of them are done for religious and cultural reasons. a very small proportion is done ostensibly for health reasons. However medical authority's warn that there is no reason for routine circumcision and that it is in fact harmful to the penis to have this done.

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10y ago

Circumcision is a religious rite and none of the Indian religions or beliefs believe in male genital mutilation As a matter of fact most of the country's of the world dont. circumcision is carried out by some Jews some muslims and some other primitive tribes in different parts of the world Between 15 and 20% of the worlds men are circumcised there is also some circumcision done for so called medical reasons in English speaking cultures (not including Britain where the custom is down to 2% of the population and those are muslims) especialy in the US where there is apowerful and deceptive pro cirq lobby that promotes the practice.

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