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Narcissists (whether male or female) abuse their partner (whether male or female) to excert power and control. Codependents are extremely vunerable because of their dependancy on relationships and ther fear of being alone. They tend, more than others, to hang on too long and put up with too much before leaving.

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Q: Why do narcissistic women abuse men who are co-dependent?
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Who abuse more?

It depends on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse tends to be women a bit more than men and physical is definiately men more than women. It depends on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse tends to be women a bit more than men and physical is definiately men more than women.

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The act increased federal resources for the prosecution of men who abuse women.

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It would depend on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse may in fact be women, but physical and sexual would most certainly be men.

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both men and women have the same percentage for alcohol abuse, but men have a high percentage of using illicit drugs

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Most definitely not. Abuse is abuse, in all forms.

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Well, one(humorous, sort of.): women have periods and they get mad, so we have a way to get back at them. Second (real) Testosterone makes men get angry easily but also, it is a stereotype that all men are cruel. Most men are nice, but those other asses give us a bad name.

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It would depend on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse may in fact be women, but physical and sexual would most certainly be men.

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The Oprah Winfrey Show - 1986 Why Men Abuse Women was released on: USA: 19 March 2009

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Some women (like men) can be abusive to ANYONE - including other women.

Are most narcissists unaware of their sexual orientation in do they prefer men or women or both?

No, narcissism has absolutely no connection to sexual orientation. gay people may be narcissistic and straight people may be narcissistic.

What is the statistic of women who abuse men?

There are no true statistics of women who abuse men because decent men who know they shouldn't hita woman or be verbally abusive back to their spouse do not report abuse as often as women for fear that they will be labeled as being weak. Men don't talk to other male friends about being abused as most men think they should be able to handle a woman. Easier said than done!

Which of these statements best describes the effect of a alcohol on men and women?

Women are more vulnerable than men to the medical consequences of alcohol abuse.