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It is normal you might just have small lovely eyes !

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Q: Why do my eye pupils stay small in the dark?
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Does Ambien dialate the pupils of the eye?

No, normally not. With me, my pupils stay the same.

What will make your pupils small?

When light come into your eye your pupils will get smaller. In a dim or dark room your pupils will enlarge to let in more light so you can see. Also some drugs will make your pupils smaller, or when your high they dilate.

What are your pupils?

Pupils are the small, dark circular openings in the center of the iris that allow light to enter the eye. They regulate the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting their size in response to the brightness of the environment.

Can tiny pupils come from eye problems?

no if your pupils are tiny it just means your in the light. your pupils change sizes due to the light. If your in a dark room the will be big if your in a light room they will be smaller.

Can you give a real life example of dialation?

your eye's pupils expanding in the dark and shrinking in the light

Why are cats eyes used for seeing in the dark?

As a cats eye pupils dilate in the dark, letting in more light, they are very good at seeing in the dark.

How does emotions affect your body?

1.sadness makes your eye pupils get small

What does your eye look like in the dark?

in the dark the pupil of your eye that is the central black part widens a lot. this helps it to recieve ads much light possible. that is why when u enter a dark are it takes time for your pupils to adjust to the lack of light.

Why is vision sharpest when the pupils of the eye are very small?

When the pupils of the eye are very small, more light enters the eye and hits the retina, leading to increased sharpness of vision. This is because a smaller pupil reduces the amount of scattered light that can degrade the image.

Why might children think cats can see in the dark?

Cats have the ability to see more equivalent than humans because of their eye shape. They do the same things as humans though. When its dark the pupils grow large. When its sunny they can make the pupils smaller too.

Is night blindness caused by pupils not dilating sufficiently?

possible - most likely vitamin deficiency and/or abnormal rod cell count in eyes or possibly another eye disorder - infection or cataract. Check with an eye doctor or research online night blindness and causes. Night blindness due to constricted pupils is not total. Persons using pilocarpine eye drops have small pupils. Now it is rarely used. In darkness, you need more light , and the pupils dilate naturally. In contrast, pupils become small in bright sun light to cut down light.

What are eye pupils for?

for you to seee