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Because they are innocent victims, thinking that smoking will make them more intelligent, which is entirely wrong. Getting more oxygen will make them more intelligent than smoking. Aerobic exercises help a lot. Instead O2, they inhale 4 thousands dangerous chemicals, which lower the Oxygen intake.

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they think that they are so stresed that they think it is ok for them to do it.

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Q: Why do most teachers smoke?
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Do teachers smoke?

Some do. Many do not.

What is the most common gender of teachers?

women are the most common teachers in the united states of America over 65% of teachers are female

Why do teachers leave classrooms?

Some teachers have a smoking addiction, and will leave the classroom, and essentially, the campus, to smoke a cigarette. Though, the most common reason as to why teachers leave classrooms is to talk with another teacher about an issue with the teaching equipment or other type of technical issue, or the teacher needs to make a quick copy of a paper, check their inbox at the office, or get something from their car. There are many other different reasons, but these are the most common ones.

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most of them smoke

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What is the most efficient smoke alarm?

You can go to the following website to see reviews about the most efficients smoke alrarms

Do most people smoke under age?

Yes. Even most 8 graders smoke.

What do most teachers struggle with at school?

because teachers are always under pressure continuously

Do most of your teachers take attendance?

They do.

What cigarettes do Korean people smoke the most?

'This Plus' by 'KT&G' is the cigarette that koreans smoke the most.

Does January Jones smoke ciggarettes?

no herbal ciggs is what most of the cast on Mad Men smoke.

Do most teachers like girls or boys?

It Depends What Teacher It Is, Girl Teachers Like Girls Usually, Boy Teachers Like Boys.