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What do you mean why do men smoke women smoke to.

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11y ago

Well i think because men want to show their friends that they smoke. They are afraid to say now to their friends.

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Q: Why do men get lung cancer more than women when they smoke?
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Is smoking the major cause for cancer in the US?

* Cancer is the second leading cause of death and was among the first diseases causally linked to smoking. * Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, and cigarette smoking causes most cases. * Compared to nonsmokers, men who smoke are about 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer and women who smoke are about 13 times more likely. Smoking causes about 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80% in women.

What age group is most affected by lung cancer?

Lung cancer usually occurs in older people. The average age of people who are diagnosed with lung cancer is 70. 1Men are more likely to develop lung cancer than women but fewer men smoke now than in the past, so the death rate from lung cancer for men is decreasing. The death rate from lung cancer for women is leveling off after increasing for several decades.2Black men are more likely to develop lung cancer than men of any other racial group.White women and black women are about equally likely to develop lung cancer.The risk of dying from lung cancer is 20 times higher for women who smoke two or more packs of cigarettes a day than for women who do not smoke.3If you live with a smoker, you have 2 to 3 times the risk for lung cancer compared with a person who lives in a nonsmoking environment.4 About 25% of nonsmokers who develop lung cancer probably get it from being exposed to secondhand smoke.5ReferencesCitationsAmerican Cancer Society (2007). What are the key statistics for lung cancer? Detailed Guide: Lung Cancer-Non-Small Cell. Available online: Cancer Society (2007). Cancer Facts and Figures 2007, pp. 1-52. Atlanta: American Cancer Society. Available online: for Disease Control and Prevention (2002). Women and smoking: A report of the Surgeon General. MMWR, 51(RR-12): 1-30.Theodore PR, Jablons D. (2006). Neoplasms of the lung section of Thoracic wall, pleura, mediastinum, and lung. In GM Doherty, LW Way, eds., Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment, 12th ed., pp. 377-389. New York: McGraw-Hill.Crawford J (2007). Lung cancer. In DC Dale, DD Federman, eds., ACP Medicine, section 12, chap. 8. New York: WebMD.

Is lung cancer more common in men or women?

We have known for a long time that the survival rate for men with lung cancer is lower than it is for women. On the other hand, the good news is the death rate for lung cancer in men (unlike women) has been dropping in recent years.

What happens when people smoke at under eighteen?

There is more chance of the under eighteen personhaving lung cancer when their older.

Do cigarettes cause lung cancer?

by smoking usually when you smoke, it leads to congestion and is really bad for your lungs. you could die of prob. already know that......if u have more questions ask me on here ___________________________________________________________ A type of lung cancer in which the cells appear smallish and roundish. Also called oat cell lung cancer. It quickly spreads in the body and is one of the more aggressive forms of cancer. Most common cause of lung cancer is long-term exposure to tobacco smoke. The occurrence of lung cancer in nonsmokers, is nominally attributed to a combination of genetic factors, radon gas, asbestos, and pollutions in the air, including secondhand smoke.

Most common cancer in Canada?

lung cancer is increasing these days among men and women therfore its the most among all of them even though breast cancer is more in women

Why are males more susceptible to oral cancer than females?

More males than females smoke cigarettes, chew tobacco, smoke pipes, and use snuff. All of those things can cause oral cancer, and some can also cause lung cancer.

Do cigarettes cause lung infections?

Cigarettes can cause more than lung infections. They can cause cancer, and even death. Cigarette smoke is just as bad as smoke from a fire, and with cigarettes, you are inhaling that smoke. The smoke from the cigarette can also cause cells to die, which is not good at all.

What are the dangers of passive smoke?

The dangers of passive smoke are the same as that of a smoker. Generally speaking, you have the same chances, if not more, of getting cancer (mainly lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and throat cancer), heart attack, or a disease of the lungs called COPD. In pregnant women, the effects are devastating for the baby. The baby has a high chance of dying from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Do men get lung cancer more than women?

In each of the major racial/ethnic groups in the United States, the rates of lung cancer among men are about two to three times greater than the rates among women.

Is cancer more common in women or men?

Depends what type...obvious prostate cancer is more common in men b/c they have one while cervix cancer is more common in women b/c they have one. Cancers like Lung and Liver are more common in women.

Does smoking cigarettes give you cancer?

Yes it does, especially Lung cancer. Although breast cancer can also result from smoking, Lung cancer is the most likely disease that you'll get. Not just you but also the people around you inhaling the smoke from your cigarette. Check related links for more info.