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Because of our early ancestors. Most women who had children were younger than their partners were, so, biologically, women enter puberty first.

Gosh i don't know, but that first answer is a load of rubbish!

No it makes since so basicly if your dad is older than your mom then that means that you'll go through puberty earlier basicly right? Am I right or no?

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13y ago
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14y ago

From what I heard, it's something to do with the chemicals in the milk fed to the baby (that goes to boys and girls). If a baby girl was fed from formula instead of being breastfed, they tend to start puberty earlier. Of course, this doesn't go for all, since most girls start puberty at similar times their mother did.

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13y ago

Puberty is the time of sexual maturation. Without puberty your body would stay child-like and you would not be able to reproduce.

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What are the risks for early onset puberty for boys and girls?

Their are no disadvantages or risk in starting puberty early.

Do boys or girls go through puberty first?

Girls reach puberty earlier than boys at the age of 9-12 years. Boys reach puberty at the age of 12-14 years.

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Blind girls don't hit puberty earlier then other girls.

What happens to girl's eggs when they reach puberty?

The womb holds the eggs when girls are going through puberty

Why blind girls attain puberty early in their life?

On average, blind girls go through puberty at the same ages and rates as any other girls.

Do girls reach physical and sexual maturity earlier than girls?

No, I think that boys reach it quicker than girls. Girls want to hold back when they get to that stage. Actually, you don't really have a choice when it comes to puberty/sexual maturity. Boys generally reach puberty later than girls, and finish later as well.

In kids health what is the average age that puberty starts?

Pubertal ranges are different for boys and girls and even country to country. In America, girls on average reach puberty around the age of 11 or 12. Boys reach puberty by 12 or 13. It has been observed that in recent times, the average age of puberty onset has been decreasing.

Can you have a baby when you are 3?

No. 3 year olds can not have babies. Girls do not have babies until they reach puberty. While some girls have babies in their early teen years, most females have low fertility until their later teen years.

When will little girls hit puberty?

Girls all have their periods at different times it just depends of the girl.

When do girls get puberty?

Usually about 11-14. But some girls can start as early as 5 and as late as 16. If you're about 15 you may have delayed puberty and should see a doctor about it.

What are signs of puberty for girls?

Early signs of puberty for girls include Body shape changes and discharge.For more detailed information visit:

Is 12 to young for puberty?

In girls, puberty starts at the age of 11-12 . in boys it starts at the age of 12-13. So no, 12 is not too early.