Yes because the first two weeks your not considered pregnant.... For example if your ultrasound measures the sac at 5 weeks you actually are 7 weeks if you count the 2 weeks it take to conceive and implant.
Doctors add two weeks onto your pregnancy because it is quite difficult to determine a woman's exact time of conception. So they start your first day of pregnancy from your last period, even though you aren't actually pregnant yet. It makes it easier and more simplified for determining how far along you are in your pregnancy which will help determine the due date. For most women, they ovulate 14 days after their period. Ovulation is the perfect time for conception. It is not until two weeks after you have conceived that your hcg levels (pregnancy hormone) will be high enough to give you an accurate positive result through testing. So by the time you can determine your pregnancy, you are generally four weeks pregnant.
You are pregnant for 40 weeks, which equals 10 months. Doctors give you a 4 week window that allows you to either deliver 2 weeks early or two weeks later then your actual due date. So they consider your pregnancy 9 months, but when at the doctors they count by weeks not months.
To try and get pregnant you need to add two weeks (fourteen days) to the FIRST day of your period. You also have a two day window to get pregnant.
frog are pregnant for 2-5 weeks.
Its not like they just add 2 weeks, they measure from your last period and its 40 weeks from that. Most women have a 28 day (4 week) cycle and since you usually ovulate around the middle of your cycle and that's usually about the time you conceive, its like the basically add 2 weeks from when you probably conceived. So for purposes of counting, its sort of like your 2 weeeks pregnant when you conceive. seems crazy but that's how they do it.
About 2 weeks.
You have to be at least 2 weeks pregnant.
you could be pregnant in the first 2 weeks if pregnancy test is blue
well a normal hcg 305 is 4 weeks, so i imagine 2 1/2 months pregnant
yes a girl can still get pregnant that is what happened to me you just have to be really careful and everytime you have sex you wanna get tested 2 weeks afterwards. home and doctors.
Sometimes you can get a positive pregnancy test result at 2 weeks, but it's generally more accurate at around 3 or 4 weeks
2 weeks