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Well, diabetics do not literally eat a 'lump of sugar', but they do eat glucose tablets, which is basically all sugar (but in an edible form). If their blood sugar level is low, they eat the glucose tablet (as you refer to as the 'lump of sugar'), and the sugar (glucose is the same thing as sugar, just a different name) from the glucose tablet increases the blood sugar levels in that person's body, but it does not take immediate affect. The glucose tablets will then increase the blood sugar levels, thereby stabilizing the body's condition. (Having low blood sugar can lead to fainting, so they take it to keep from fainting.)

Diabetics who need to use insulin can become hypoglycemic and require more sugar to balance excess insulin.

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14y ago

diabetics so not need to eat a lump of sugar who ever told you that must have been tricking you. i have type 1 Diabetes and i know for a fact you do not need to eat a lump of sugar.

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Why do diabetics need candy?

They need to keep their blood sugar at a certain level. They might have to go without sugar for days, then have to eat candy for their blood sugar. I've never had it, but I bet diabetes sucks.

Is it illegal for diabetics to eat sugar?

No, in fact they have to eat a certain amount to help maintain blood sugar level.

Can diabetects eat sugar?

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetics can eat sugar -- in fact, if their blood sugar gets too low, they need it. However, they should monitor their sugar consumption by keeping track of their blood sugar and insulin intake.

Do diabetics eat more or less sugar?

It depends on whether you have type 1 or 2 diabetes. If you have type 1 then you will usually have a problem with your insulin levels. The insulin regulates your sugar and if you don't have enough of insulin, you willl probably have to eat sugar containing foods alot, because your sugar levels will tend to get low, however if you have too much insulin, you will probably need to eat less sugar containing foods. Most diabetics will have a little device to tell them when they're in need of sugar.

What types of food do diabetics receive through services?

Diabetics cannot eat sugar so food they would receive would not have any sugar. They also need to watch their carb intake. Different services provide different foods.

Can people with diebetes eat candy?

No, only if the candy is sugar free. Sugar is a diabetics enemy.

Should diabetics eat sugar in large amounts or in moderation?

Probably not

Do diabetics have to eat more salt?

No, salt has nothing to do with blood sugar control.

Is pineapple good for diabetics?

Pineapple is a good fruit for diabetics to eat but in small amounts. This is because it contains more sugar in it than most fruits.

What are some ways of eating with diabetes?

Diabetics need to reduce sugar which means fewer desserts and candies unless they are sugar free. They generally will eat fresh fruits and veggies as well as meats and cheese.