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Children wet the bed. Not because they drink to much water before bed time. But one of the reasons children wet the bed is because children who can control there blatter's during the day, but who have never been dry at night for at least a 6 month peirod, have what is known medically as primary nocturnal enuresis (PNE), the most common of bed wetting. Over five million school age children in the US alone have PNE.

Most children with PNE feel that there is something wrong with who they are that causes there problem. Many of them feel it's the result of ethier bad thought's or bad action's. They feel somehow bed wetting is a punishment.

Many parent's feel that there children's bed wetting is a result of a defect in there parenting.

In a recent survay of 9,000 parent's of kid's 6 - 17, 22% stated that they thought the reason there child wet the bed was laziness. (survay conducted by ICR Survay Group from July 10th 1996 through August 6th 1996)

Children with PNE have two thing's in common. First, they need to urinate at night, not all children do. During the first month's of life, babies urinate around-the-clock. Most adults, however, don't need to urinate at night. Sometime in middle childhood, most individuals make the transition from urinating around-the-clock to only urinating during waking hours. There are three reason's why individuals continue to need to urinate at night.

1: There is an inbalance of the blatter muscle's.

2: They have blatter's that are a little to small to hold the normal amount of urine

And 3: They make more urine then there mormal-sized blatter's can hold, for several reasons.

They may drink too much. Drinking in the two hour's before bed increases night time urine production.

They may be consuming a diuretic medication, a substance that directly increases urine output. Usually theses are not perscribed medication's, but caffienated cola drink's or chocolate.

They make more urine in responce to a chronic disease such as diabete's or a chronic urinary tract infection.

They make more urine then average because of their hormonal regulatory system's. Babie's make about the same amount of urine around-the-clock . Most adults make less urine while they sleep. The reason for this thought to be a night time surge of a hormone called "Antidiuretic Hormone" (ADH). The level's of ADH found in the blood are higher begining in the evening. One study look at ADH level's in bed wetters, compared to control's, found that there was a constant low level of ADH in the bed wetters. the night time surge did nit happen. Perhaps this is a reason bed wetters tend to make more urine at night.

If an individual consistently has to urinate at night one or more of the above three reason's is the cause.

If you like to learn more please go to and type why do children wet the bed, then select Bed Wetting Causes | Thank you for reading.

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Possibly because they like the attention from their parents when they do.

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Q: Why do children wet the bed?
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Wet the Bed was created on 2011-09-13.

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You didn't say if you were living together or not and if you are then he has not option, but to tell you he wet the bed. If you are dating then he trusts you enough to let you know he has a problem with wetting the bed. Instead of wondering tell him to see his doctor as there are medications to help this problem. Often children can wet the bed quite frequently and what once was thought to be just laziness and not getting up to go to the bathroom doctors realized that some children's bladders were not completely growing at the same rate the child was, thus bed wetting.

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