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The answer to this interesting question will begin with a brief description of two properties of sound … frequency and intensity. Sound is produced when an object like a guitar string or the speaker in a radio vibrates. Frequency of sound is related to how fast the object vibrates. Intensity of sound is related to the amount or amplitude of the object vibration. Different terms are used to describe how a person perceives or hears frequency and intensity of a sound. Pitch of sound is correlated with frequency and loudness of sound is correlated with intensity.

A piano keyboard offers a good example of the frequency and pitch of sound. The lowest piano key (the white key at the left end of the keyboard) produces a sound of about 33 Hz (or vibrations per second) whereas the white key at the other (right) end of the keyboard produces a tone at 5724 Hz. A person with perfectly normal hearing ability can detect very soft sounds like a whisper across a frequency range of 20 Hz up to 20,000 Hz. Many animal species can hear much higher frequency sounds, including dogs (up to 44,000 Hz) and cats (up to almost 80,000 Hz).

With advancing age, most people gradually lose the ability to hear faint high pitch sounds. This age-related decrease in hearing begins in the early 20s for the highest pitch sounds above 10,000 Hz. Hearing loss with aging is genetically determined. The majority of people 65 years and older have developed high pitch hearing loss, but good hearing in later years is a characteristic train in some lucky families. Still, almost all adults have poorer hearing for very high-pitched sounds (frequencies above 10,000 Hz) in comparison to children. So, a strong trend toward age-related decrease in high pitch hearing is the simple answer to the question. In fact, it's not uncommon for children to mention or even complain of high pitch sounds that their parents or grandparents can't hear, such as shrill sounds of security systems in a store or even thunder from a distant storm.
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Because their voice boxes have not grown or stretched until Puberty begins. As they go through puberty boys voices change and get deeper due to the aforementioned.

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Q: Why do children have higher pitched voices than grown-ups?
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Because their voice boxes have not grown or stretched until Puberty begins. As they go through puberty boys voices change and get deeper due to the aforementioned.

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Basically, because in most cases, a person's hearing gets worse as they age. It is just based on that. Hope it helped!

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Um, i dont know, but i think so. little girls tend to have high pitched, childish voices. but older girls dont tend to have such childish sounding voices. some older girls still do have high pitched voices, and that is why i dont really know for sure.

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What is a male voice?

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