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After three weeks of the unprotected promiscuous sexual contact, you get the ulcer on your glance penis. It heals by itself with in a week time. It heals without treatment and then kills. You have the disease in your body for moths and years. After about six months you have secondary syphilis and after few years you have deadly cardiac complications and neurosyphilis and gummae in different organs. So you need to consult the physician at the earliest for treatment of syphilis.

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Q: Why do chancre sores take a week to heal?
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How long do saddle sores take to heal on horses?

Depending on how bad the sores are. If they have detroyed tissue, it will take over a week or two to heal. Small ones that just rub off the hair can heal in a couple of days.

What are cancor sores?

Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can form in the mouth. They are usually white or yellow with a red border and can make eating and talking uncomfortable. Canker sores are not contagious and typically heal on their own within a week or two.

What are the sores on lips and mouth?

Sores on the lips and mouth are most commonly caused by the herpes simplex virus (cold sores) or canker sores. Cold sores are contagious and typically appear as small fluid-filled blisters around the lips, while canker sores are not contagious and appear as painful ulcers inside the mouth. Both usually heal on their own within a week or two.

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About a week or something like that

How do you heal cold sores once they come out?

well having one is a pain and well try putting an ice cube and try to keep it dry as much as you can and for me i had one for like over a week

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It took Jacob Black about a week or so to recover, or heal, from his accident in Eclipse.

How do you get rid of canker sores in a dogs mouth?

Do nothing - the blister/sore will rupture on its own and the dog will heal over the sore area within a week or so in most cases. If this is a frequent occurrance, I would suggest a trip to the veterinarian to see what is causing the canker sores - this is not a common illness in dogs.

How long does it take for your cats warble worm hole heal?

2 to 4 week or more

How long does it generally take a heel contusion to heal?

That depends on the individual With some people an hour with others it can take a week.

When does a cold sore start to get smaller?

Cold sores can take 1-4 weeks to heal depending on how sever the break out is. Give it another week or so and you may start noticing a difference. If not then see your doctor, they can suggest some thing for you to use to help speed up the healing process.

How long does it take for a small blister to heal?

Depending things like how bit is it, how old your are, how deep it goes and whether you continue to irritate it it could take anywhere from a few days to a week or more to heal.