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Increased metabolism required to make your body move more quickly or muscles work harder requires oxygen. The blood carries oxygen, and the lungs help the oxygen get into the blood. The heart goes faster so the oxygen can be delivered more quickly.
Over the long term, they actually decrease with exercise, as the body gets more tuned. The short term increase in pulse rate and breathing rate, are to get more oxygen to the muscles. The heart higher breath intake is to get more oxygen in the blood stream. The heart rate increase is to get the bloodflow higher so even more oxygen can get into the muscles.

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Q: Why do both your heart rate and breathing rates increase when you exercise?
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Why does exercise have an effect on pulse rate and breathing?

Because the demand for oxygen and glucose increases, and the heart and lungs need to speed up to keep up with the demand.

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How and why do the heart and breathing rates changes during hard exercise?

brcasue you are using oxyen which breakks down glucose and co2

Why your pulse rates increased as you run?

Apperantly it increases because you are doing more things ( run ) which is exersice and this causes your heart to increase which also causes your pulse rates t increase .... Heart rates are triggered by how much exertion you are forcing upon your body, so if you exercise a whole lot and run a whole bunch, your heart rates will increase rapidly.

Why do peoples heart rates increase when exercising?

During vigorous exercise the heart is moving more oxygenated blood into the muscles, so it has to pump faster.

When you exercise your pulse rate goes?

your pulse rate increases so your breathing rates can increase which allows you to take in more oxygen to transfer to your blood.

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What is the exercise heart rate I should be at for my age?

Check out the site for a chart on heart rates given age and activity level. Be sure to note that your heart rate will increase with the level of excercise.

Why do breathing rates increase in crowded rooms?

Your rate of breathing increases in a crowded area because there is less oxygen. This is because there are more people breathing in the oxygen.

Why do breathing and pulse rates not return immediately after exercise stops?

The body needs to neutralise the lactic acid

When is the best time to check resting heart rates?

Before any exercise

Is cycling classed as a cardio exercise?

Yes, when done energetically. Any exercise that increases your heart and respiration rates for a specific period is cardio exercise.