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Yes it is a first degree burn

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Sister Little

Lvl 13
2y ago
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14y ago

frost bite is like a burn because when your skin cells are frozen or burned they die and may cause the skin to turn black like a burn.

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10y ago

You can get blisters from a burn because it is your skins way to protect your skin. Reasons your skin may burn is because of wetness, scraping, or irritating blisters.

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14y ago

Yes it is a first degree burn

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Blisters and deep red around burn. wHAT KIND OF burn is this?

Redness with blisters is considered a 2nd Degree Burn.

What should one not do to blisters from a burn?

Blisters should not be broken.

What degree of burn has blisters?

2nd degree

What burn degree burn develops blisters and looks wet on the skin?

second degree

What kind of burn is a burner burn?

It depends on the sevarety. If blisters form, then it is 2nd degree.

What if you scratched your sunburned blisters?

put sun burn cream on it

How do you treat a shoulder sun burn?

For a first degree burn (redness), you should cool the skin with aloe, gels, ice packs, or cool water. For a second degree burn (blisters) you can do the same as a first degree burn, but be extra careful not to pop any blisters.

Blistering is a what degree burn?

It sometimes can. Usually it doesn't. A burn that results in a blister is usually second degree.

What type of injury has blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skin?

2nd degree burn

What is a second degree burn charatised?

For a second degree burn, you will see redness. There will also be blisters forming.

What ia second degree burn?

For a second degree burn, you will see redness. There will also be blisters forming.

What degree burn develops blisters and looks wet?

2nd degree