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Different autistic individuals have different levels of intelligence. So, it depends on the individual.

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Q: Why do autistic people have high IQ's?
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If an autistic person has an IQ of 80 or 90 would they be low or high functioning?

An IQ of 80 or 90 is below average. Fortunately, this has little to do with my understanding of functioning. The score you might be looking for is called the global assessment of functioning (GAF) score. If your score was 80-90 on that, it would suggest high functioning.

How can you make a sentence with 'Although'?

some people have achieved extraordinary successes,although they don't have high IQs.

Can an Autistic be smarter then people with other disabilities?

No. If you're asking whether people with autism have higher intelligence than people without, it depends on what autism spectrum disorder they have. A person with aspergers or high-functioning autism will probably have higher intelligence than those without, and a person with low-functioning (severe) autism will have mental handicaps. If your question is whether people with autism have a special form of intelligence that other people don't have, then here is how I would put it. The vast majority of the information that a non-autistic person absorbs and remembers is social ("I think he was angry with me," or "Jill's birthday is April 28") or relevant to everyday life, (Which maybe why the adaptable, insightful social butterfly's brain completely shuts down in math and chem class. They aren't unintelligent. They have a great amount of social intelligence.), whereas the vast majority of the information that an autistic person absorbs and remembers is factual or sensory (the appearance of the bricks of a building, the equations taught in class, minute details relating to their "fixation" topics.) If your question is whether the experience of an autistic person is superior to that of a non-autistic person is somehow divine, the answer is no. The experience of an autistic person allows them a very unique perspective on the world, and may even lead them to make great contributions in an area of their fixation or interest, but it is the abilities of a non-autistic person that allow you to make friends or go grocery-shopping. Both types of people and experiences are needed in the world, and no type is superior. As to whether the experience of an autistic person is divine, probably not. It is hard enough to find a convincing argument for God's existence, and it's assuming a lot to say that autism is a divine experience or "God's will."

How do you get autistic spectrum?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition, autistic people are born autistic - we do not know why people are autistic.

What is on the highly functioning end of the spectrum of autistic disorders?

High Functioning is an offensive and meaningless term, it's about judging Autistic people as acceptable or not based on how severely they're effects by their Autism or the ways in which their Autism effects them. An Autistic person is an Autistic person, full stop.

What are celebrity IQs?

It is their intelligence quotient, the high the score that smarter the person.

Could autistics marry other autistics?

I am high functioning Autistic and I believe there are "Autistic types", kind of like categories of personality and compatibility. I could date another Autistic person if they were like me and would love to marry one but could never marry a typical person(can't stand living with them, no offence) I think how many Autistic people its easier to marry or date another autistic person and most Autistic on autistic relationships I know are far happier and longer than Autistic on NeuroTypical relationships. I would love to marry an autistic guy.

Can a nornal child turn into autistic child?

Firstly, it's offensive for you to imply that autistic people are abnormal - autistic people are different to neurotypical people, not less than. A person is born autistic, it is not something that happens to 'normal' people or something that you turn into, you are always autistic.

Are all autistic children saviants?

No, not all Autistic children are savants. Many Savants are Autistic, but most Autistic people are as normal as Neurotypical people with no particularly special talents.

Do all autistic people lack a sense of humor?

No, not all autistic people lack a sense of humour. There is a saying in the autism community: once you've met one autistic've met one autistic person. autistic people are as different and varied as neurotypical people.

Will someone with high IQ live longer than someone with low IQ?

People with higher intelligence may use learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in preventing chronic disease and accidental injury and in adhering to complex treatment regimens.Therefore they, on average, have better health habits that help prolong life. On the other hand, many people with lower IQs live to a ripe old age and many people with high IQs have very bad habits.People with higher intelligence may use learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in preventing chronic disease and accidental injury and in adhering to complex treatment regimens.Therefore they, on average, have better health habits that help prolong life. On the other hand, many people with lower IQs live to a ripe old age and many people with high IQs have very bad habits.People with higher intelligence may use learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in preventing chronic disease and accidental injury and in adhering to complex treatment regimens.Therefore they, on average, have better health habits that help prolong life. On the other hand, many people with lower IQs live to a ripe old age and many people with high IQs have very bad habits.People with higher intelligence may use learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in preventing chronic disease and accidental injury and in adhering to complex treatment regimens.Therefore they, on average, have better health habits that help prolong life. On the other hand, many people with lower IQs live to a ripe old age and many people with high IQs have very bad habits.