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because all the blood rushes to your feet, i.e. circulation doesn't work as well because it's more difficult for the heart to pump blood against gravity when you're not moving

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Q: Why do Your feet turn red when you stand a while?
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Why do your feet sometimes go bright red when you have been stood up for a while?

your feet turn red because all the blood in your body is going down to your feet, due to gravity, if you stand up to long with your knees locked you may pass out because the blood going to you brain lessons witch causes dizziness and lost of people pass out, EXAMPLE: people in wedding pass out all the time.....clue? they are locking their knees for to long........!

Why don't your feet turn red when you are standing?

because there blue

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Because your blood flows normally when your standing because your supposed to.

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A Rash, Hives, Or an Infection.

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When you stand on your head (though i dont know why) all the blood rushes to your head thus turing the color of your head red.

Why do your feet turn red while sitting?

When you sit for an extended period of time, blood flow to your feet can be reduced, causing them to appear red due to decreased circulation. This is known as dependent rubor, which occurs when blood pools in the lower extremities. It is usually temporary and can be relieved by standing up and moving around.

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just press the red butten and hold it for a while

What causes red feet?

Another explanation may be that when you blush the bottoms of your feet also turn red. Blushing is caused when the system that controls the fight or flight response prepares your body to fight or run. Your feet turn red because of the sudden change in temperature due to this response.

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on the weapon wheel, select your fists and stand still and wait

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You complete the turn when it is safe to do so.

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