what maakes you sneeze is when dirt or just aything get stuck or trys to get throw your nose but your little nose hairs catch it, you close your eyes cuz its a refex.
There are tiny hairs in your nose and the idea of the hairs is that they filter/clean the air when you inhale. The hairs clean the air, for example, by trapping any dust that was in the atmosphere and if there is dust you will more than likely sneeze to get rid of the dust.
by cilia(hairs) and mucus(snot) which trap bacteria in your nose and windpipe then sneeze it out or send it to the mouth to be swallowed
sneeze of course comes from the nose.
Yes! The tiny hairs in your nose act as filters and hold onto any wastes that comes through the nostrils . After the wastes must be released with a tiny explosion or as we call it , a sneeze .
Your nose usually tickles before you sneeze.
your nose runs to expell bacteria/viruses that have been caught in the mucus. a sneeze is caused by an irritation in the nose
To help wash out your nose, making sure that whatever made you sneeze is totally gone.
Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze.
A sneeze is an involuntary expulsion of air induced by an irritation in the nose.
People sneeze mostly through their mouths.
Nasal hairs