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Only an examination by a physician or other advanced-training medical professional can give an answer to that. You should seek urgent medical attention if you are unable to urinate for longer than a few hours, especially since you feel the urge to urinate. There are too many potential causes of it to determine without evaluation what the reason you have that problem could be.

Some common reasons:

If you are an older male and it is a hesitation of the flow of urine but you are always soon able to urinate, be sure you are maintaining your fluid intake and call your doctor. It may be prostate enlargement obstructing the flow. This is most often benign hypertrophy. If you do not fully empty your bladder due to retention from obstruction, bladder infections can develop along with the original problem. Usually with BPH [benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement)], there is a combination of symptoms of inability to urinate, weak stream, hesitation of flow, dribbling, and frequency of urination in small amounts.

In both sexes, most often if you feel the urge to urinate it means your bladder is full and you are keeping your fluid intake proper. Then the reason you can't urinate would likely not be as simple as you aren't taking in enough fluids to replace lost fluids. Proper fluid intake is very important for healthy urinary system function.

Bladder infections can make men and women feel the urge even though their bladders are not full. Those need urgent medical treatment, usually with antibiotics.

Another cause of obstruction in men is prostate cancer,and in both sexes, there can be tumors of the bladder or urethra obstructing flow, these may either be benign or malignant.

Blockage from a partially passed kidney stone can also obstruct voiding of urine. No matter the cause, it is not a symptom to ignore. You can not let that go on, and you need to seek medical evaluation and treatment.

The problem in a woman or girl is most often a bladder infection which can cause the swelling of tissue and the signal to urinate may be being generated by irritation from the infection or tissue edema rather than from a full bladder. This is usually accompanied with a severe burning sensation with urine flow and frequency of urination, often in small amounts. Drinking more fluids and some cranberry juice can help that, but you would still need to get an examination as soon as possible. Men can also experience these symptoms from a bladder infection.

The list is long with many other potential causes. Bottom line: get a medical exam and treatment asap.

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15y ago try to hold it as long as you can. if you hold your pee for longer than two or three days your bladder will burst...THATS NOT A GOOD THING!

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