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You probably have really strong feelings for him. If I were you i would find a private place where you two can talk and honestly tell him how you feel and see where everything goes from there.

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Q: Why do I get butterflies in my stomach when I see the guy I like?
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What does it feel like when your in love with a guy?

It may feel like butterflies in your stomach whenever you see him. You get really nervous and start to sweat. You smile and giggle every time you hear his name.

What does it mean when a guy pokes you on the side of the stomach a lot?

If a guy starts to poke you on the side of your stomach that means they want to see your stomach or they liked boyfriend pokes me at the side of the stomach...i asked him why he does that.he said a boy like to see a girls stomach or to see that its muscular like theirs.

When you see someone why do you get butterflies in your stomach?

Feeling butterflies in your stomach when you see someone you like or are nervous around is often due to a rush of adrenaline and a release of stress hormones, leading to physical reactions like increased heart rate and blood flow to your muscles. This can result in that fluttery sensation in your stomach.

How do you know if i have a crush?

when you see that person and you get weird feelings like butterflies in your stomach that's when you know you've got a crush.

How to know if you like someone?

When your heart speeds up at the thought of them or you can never stop thinking of them. When you get butterflies in your stomach when you see them. It may sound cheesy but thats how you know you really like someone.

How can you tell when you really like a guy?

you can tell when you really like a guy when hes the first thought that comes into your head when you wake up, your last thought before you sleep and you get butterflies when you see him and your heart beats fast. that's how you can tell in my opinion :)

Do butterflies like mushed up banana?

Some butterflies do like mushed up banana, particularly if it has fermented. For instance the "Charaxe" Butterflies of Africa will feed on this. See related link below.

Is love when you get butterflies each time you see him?

See "him"? you should have put it "see the guy you like". Anyways, no not always it just means you like him. It is your body's natural way to respond to emotions and feelings you think of him. Sometimes it automatically does it because your body knows you like him, or you thought about him and then it just happened most of the time.

Why don't people usually see butterflies on cold days?

well maybe it isn't the butterflies preferred environment some butterflies might like cold weather some might like hot weather.

Can you tell a guy you like him if he is going out with some other girl rarely sees you but might love you and you get butterflies in your stomach when you c him like love?

A) Does this guy even know who you are. B) Think about why your so in love with him, cause if you don't see him that much how do you really know your in love. C) And if he has a girl friend how do you know he doesn't love her? But in the end make it a point to see him more often and then maybe if he and his girl friend break up you could be a friend for him and then you would end up together. Hope my advice helped!

Why do I get butterflies when my boyfriend is about to kiss me?

I have thought the same. Every time I think about my boyfriend or when he is about to kiss me I always get a strange sensation of tingling which rushes through my stomach and back and makes me smile.For me, it is a pleasant feeling. A sort of rush of anticipation or adrenaline. And I would say that we/I get this feeling because we love him. He is our love at that moment. I have to say while I get the butterflies I also have a small feeling of pride or disbelief to know that that guy I am about to kiss is really mine.The other reason you could get butterflies is if you don't feel confident to be around him/kiss him or you are embarrassed or nervous. If you feel this way maybe you should take to him about it. See how he feels about you getting butterflies. Maybe then you can sort out that you need to take it slower or maybe stay as friends.I hope I helped =]

What do you see in the air?

In the air, I see clouds, birds, airplanes, and sometimes insects like bees and butterflies.