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its an allergic reaction or parasites ;)

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Q: Why do Breasts Get Itchy?
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Related questions

What does it mean if you have itchy breasts?

that you must scratch them.

What might cause weight gain in hips with itchy breasts increased appetite and more frequent urination?


Is an itchy feeling in the breasts a symptom of breast cancer?

Not necessarily. However, if you are concerned, you should see a health professional.

Is itchy breast off and on a sign of pregnancy?

No, but if you have loss of appitite and a longer period with itchy breasts go talk to your docter you may infact be pregnant. NOTE:do NOT take in home prgnancy tests their not accurate.

Brown not itchy sort of scale looking rash underneath your underarms the back of your neck the inside of your elbow and under your breasts What is it?

Research Psoriasis

Why does your mom have itchy breasts?

Your mum may be allergic to the laundry detergent or fabric softener, soap or body wash, or some type of cosmetic she is using.

What does it mean if you have scratches on your nipples and you are young?

Well, just so you know, NOTHING is wrong with your nipples. if they are itchy, then it means your breasts and nipples are developing. some people have itchy nipples and some others dont. its nothing to be worried about. im a doctor. i KNOW what im talkin about.

How do you know when your breasts are growing?

one way to tell if your breast are growing is when u start to feel them hurt and like somethings pushing on the inside of it. also if someone sits on them it will hurt and so you'll know their growing.

Who is itchy?

Itchy from Itchy & Scratchy in the Simpsons is a cartoon mouse.

Breast have been tender for four days but you dont get your period for 11 more days are you pregnant?

Personally, sore and itchy breasts were my first symptom. Even before I missed my period. Good luck!

Your period was the normal 5 days but it was lighter then normal and your breast itchy and red could you be pregnant?

When in doubt, take a pregnancy test. Usually the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period and sore breasts.

Why do breasts itch?

There are a number of reasons for this. Some might be: . Your period is arriving soon . The skin is dry. Try using some moisturiser . Pregnancy. If it is possible, take a pregnancy test . Your breasts are growing