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the diseases caught by soldiers were nephritis, an inflammation of the kidney, and dysentery, the inflammation of the lining of the large intestines.

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Q: Why diseases did rats carry in world war 1?
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What were the conditions of the western front in world war 1?

The conditions were disgusting, with diseases like foot rot, trench rats, gangreen, and others.

What did the rats live on in World War 1?

Rats in world war one lived on the dead bodies of soldiers

What you know about World War I?

the countries had dug trenches (a long narrow ditch) to avoid enemy fire however most people who was involved in the war had not died from each but died from diseases, the trenches were horrible rats lived there and many people died there. world war 1 was the worst war.

What were the top three worst parts of trench warfare?

The diseases, such as gangrene and trench foot, the war itself, and the weather conditions.

What do rats have to do with World War 2?

Rats were actually the uniforms that the Autralians wore. (the name of the uniform)

Can fleas carry dedly diseases?

Most definitely. The Black Plaque AKA Bubonic plaque killed like 1/3 of the human population. It's reason for spreading...fleas. Then through trade, war, and rats, they would get carried.

What are Desert rats in World War 2?

The Desert Rats were the 7th Armoured Brigade of the British army.

What disease was caused by rats in World War I?

the spanish influenza

Did the rats in the trenches carry any diseases?

There were many diseases including: trench foot, shell shock, gas blindness, and in the winter, frostbite. Also common were small pox, cholera, leprosy. One other terrible disease was trench foot. This happened when the foot is submerged in water for long periods of time. It was so common in World War 1 because of the mud and water in the trenches. The foot becomes itchy and swollen. and eventually toes can fall off, along with the foot.

How were diseases prevented in world war 2?


When was War of the Rats created?

War of the Rats was created in 1999.

What was the effect of rats in world war 1?

Rats in World War 1 infested trenches, fed on the dead, and posed a health threat by spreading diseases like typhus and trench fever. They were a constant nuisance and added to the harsh living conditions soldiers faced on the front lines.