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to keap the world in balance

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Q: Why did god create mosquitoes that carry malaria that kills millions of good innocent people every year?
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Related questions

Will a rise in global temperature be expected to increase instances of malaria?

Yes, a rise in global temperature is expected to increase instances of malaria. Warmer temperatures create a more favorable environment for the mosquitoes that transmit the disease, allowing them to thrive in new areas and at higher altitudes. This could potentially lead to an expansion of the geographic range of malaria transmission.

How do bees and mosquitoes create a loud buzzing noise?

Both bees and mosquitoes make the buzzing noises with their wings. Their wings are moving at such a high rate of speed that it makes the vibrations and buzzing sounds.

What is a mosquito's prey?

Mosquitoes do not technically have "prey" as they are parasites, not predators. Female adult mosquitoes require a blood meal, usually from a mammal, to create their eggs. Male and immature female mosquitoes feed only on flower nectar.

How many mice are being used to create a potential vaccine for malaria?

Over 9,000.

Why is kerosene oil is poured on stagnant water to eradicate malaria?

Kerosene oil can be used to create a thin film on the surface of stagnant water, which suffocates mosquito larvae and prevents them from breathing. This method is a simple and cost-effective way to help control the mosquito population and reduce the spread of malaria in affected areas. However, it is important to use kerosene oil properly and in appropriate quantities to avoid any negative impact on the environment.

What act did FDR use to create millions of jobs?

FDR used the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act to create the Works Progress Administration (WPA) to create millions of jobs

Why should water not be allowed to collect in puddles?

Water should not be allowed to collect in puddles because it can provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other insects, increasing the risk of diseases like malaria and dengue fever. Additionally, standing water can become stagnant and contaminated, posing a health hazard if ingested or exposed to the skin. Lastly, puddles of water can create slippery surfaces that increase the risk of accidents and injuries.

What do millions of DNA coils create?

a chromosome

What are the aims and objectives of innocent?

to create healhy products for the public and to make a profit :)

Can a blackhole be created?

it can be happened.but it takes millions of years to create

. What is malaria?

malaria is transmitted to humans form the Anophelesmosquito. Once the disease enters the blood stream the protozoan target red blood cells and cause them to burst simeaultaneously releasing millions more protozoan.

How much temperature hydrogen bomb can create?

10s of millions of degrees.