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This could happen for a variety of reasons. It could be hormonal issues, an infection, chemically induced (such as steroids), or even cancer. It is definitely something that you need to discuss with your doctor.

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Q: Why did fluid come out of your nipple when you pressed your breast?
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Related questions

Why is there a nipple on breast?

So the breastmilk can come out so the baby can feed.

How does the nipple feed?

The nipple feeds by providing mother's milk for the infants. The milk is produced within the glands of the breast and come through the tip of the nipple.

Blood come out the nipple?

see a doctor asap possible breast cancer don't be embarrased

Why doesn't the windshield wiper fluid come out when the wiper stick is pressed?

Either you're out of fluid or the line is clogged somewhere.

I am an unmarried women.When you pressed your breast milk comes out is it pregnancy?

i am 25 years old an unmarried women. It is come to breasat milk so what can do don't come breast milk. please tell me answer

Does nippy come from nipple?

Answer 1: Nippy to me means "COLD" Nipple is a woman's breast Hope this helps. Answer 2: "It is a nipping and an eager air." About the tenth line in Hamlet, used to describe the cold. Perhaps the metaphor is a dog, or a puppy.

During ovulation could your nipples not your breasts get very sore and sensitive?

yes some women experience nipple tenderness. This is separate from breast tenderness. Sometimes the breast tenderness may not occur, or may come later in the post-ovulatory stage of the cycle.

Why do your breast smell like breast milk and you are not breast feeding?

Nipple Discharge Nipple discharge, the common symptom of various mammary diseases, its clinical occurrence rate is about 8% or so. Nipple discharge is a common attendance reason, it can be seen in breast lesions, may also come from breast-outside factors, even could be the normal physiological phenomena. Breast cancer, papilloma, cystic hyperplasia were the main causes of nipple discharge.

Your period was suppose to come to you on the 82908 and it has been 6 days since you were suppose to have gotten it but your breast feel kinda of hard and your nipple kind of hurt you what could it be?

well it could just be late and your pmsing

When you start leaking milk out of your breast do the stink come out of your clothes?

There is no reason for leaked milk to stink, if their is a bad odor to the fluid, see your doctor.

Do under wire bras cause breast cancer?

No they do not.

Is fluid from breast cancer infectitous?

It is unlikely that fluid from breast cancer is infectious. Most cancers are non-infectious, they develop because of a mutation in that person's DNA - therefore fluids from that person should not be infectious. There are however some infectious causes of cancer, such a small number of viruses. If you are concerned that you have come into contact with hazardous material consult your doctor.