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Most circumcisions are done for religious or cultural reasons. Including right of passage into adulthood and elitism which brings us back to religious reasoning. However during the Victorian era secular circumcisions were started in English speaking countries at the behest of the British medical business on the ridiculous claim that masturbation was the cause of about a hundred different diseases ranging from Syphilis to insanity, and that circumcision would reduce boy's inclination to masturbate. People believed it and another profitable medical sideline was born, the practice has just about disappeared in Britain and the other ex colonies aside from the US where medical marketing is not giving it up without a fight.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Circumcisions are performed for different reasons.

The Jewish religion views circumcision as a covenant with God. Muslims consider the practice beneficial for maintaining good hygiene. It is widely embraced but not a matter of Islamic covenant or otherwise required for Muslims on religious grounds.

Australian Aboriginal people, some African cultures, and Pacific Islanders view it as a rite of passage into manhood.

In the Philippines it is considered an issue of cleanliness.

South Korea and the America have a culture of circumcising males. south Korea because they copy the US culture which is very likely also the reasoning in the Philippine's.

In country's that have an English speaking background it is performed ostensibly to protect against illness, A fad was begun during the Victorian Era that put forward the claim that boys masturbating would lead to any number of deadly diseases ranging from syphilis and gonorrhea to insanity it was then suggested that circumcision would discourage boys from masturbating. this led to a profitable additional income for doctors of the time. As people started to doubt the reasoning for the procedure the reason's changed and evolved especially in the USA where it has developed into a billion dollar business that now even involves a trade in infant foreskin into the cosmetics industry.

In the western wold Asia Russia india and china it is viewers as genital mutilation

For infants, the group that undergo this procedure most often, there is almost NEVER a medical indication at the time it is done that the procedure is necessary. The phimosis experienced by almost all infant males is not a medical problem as a mater of fact it stands to reason that the infants foreskin closely follows the contour of his penis as at infancy the foreskin is still fused to the glans penis. If at a much later date this becomes a problem which is also unusual it can be fixed without the need of amputating the whole foreskin

See links below for more.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Circumcision was originally performed as a right of passage into adulthood or as a religious expectation it goes back thousands of years and this reasoning is still the main reason for the practice in Muslim, Jewish, and primitive tribes throughout the world. It was introduced into western society or at least the society's of English speaking countries during the Victorian era British medics claimed that it would reduce the inclination boys have to masturbate. They claimed that masturbation was bad for health and responsible for many diseases including insanity. Throughout most of these English speaking country the practice is now being well discredited. however in the united States The practice is now carried out for so called health and sanitary reasons. these reasons have been thoroughly discredited however a powerful lobby in medical circles in the US able to suppress the free distribution on of accurate information in order to stop the cessation of a lucrative business. There is however no sound reason for Circumcision. The majority of the worlds men are intact and experience no problem with their foreskins on the contrary they enjoy the health benefits offered by it.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

It is not needed. over 80% of the worlds men have intact genitals and would no more cut of their childs foreskin which is an important and productive part of the penis then cut of an ear or finger.

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Does circumcision harm the brain?

NO! Circumcision harms the penis if it's not done "properly."

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Are circumcision done at the Jewish timple?

Although the circumcision ceremony can be held in a synagogue, the normal location is in the home.

How can I perform circumcision for myself?

This is a surgical procedure Urologists do, not something you do yourself. The majority of circumcision in the world are not done by urologist but are done by people with no medical training at all.

Where do you go in Rhode Island to get adult circumcision?

Adult circumcision is normally done by urologist or sometime general surgeon. It's done in the operating room.

Where in India can you get adult circumcision done?

You should consult a urologist.

How much does circumcision cost in England?

It can be done on the NHS free if necessary.

Circumcision done one week but skin is not retracted?

Talk to the surgeon about it.

Where does brit milah happen?

The brit milah (circumcision) is done where an 8-day-old Jewish boy is found. Usually, the circumcision and the party following are done either in the family home or in the synagogue social hall.

Is circumcision mutilation?

Yes and no. Circumcision is done for health and religious reasons, but it could be considered mutilation if it's not done properly or if is not medically indicated or required by one's religion. Circumcision is sometimes but rarely medically indicated, and it is almost never medically indicated for newborns. There is no immediate medical justification for routine circumcision; that's why medical plans do not cover it. Always get opinions from physicians when it comes to medical procedures.

What is circumcision and when is it usually done?

Circumcision is the removal of the protective foreskin (prepuce) from the top of the penis. It is most often done to infants or children. in some cases it is part of a Manhood right of passage ritual done at the beginning of puberty. This practice is n fact male genital mutilation.

What age male do the circumcision?

It can be done at any age. However this form of mutilation is usualy done on children at the behest of adults.