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Because I don't have one? Use children's toothpaste . . . tastes better.

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Q: Why cant you get your 3 year old to brush his teeth?
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How often should five year old children brush their teeth?

every day!

Why does my 3 year old have yellowish teeth?

Well first make sure your 3 yr old brushes his teeth everyday. If he doesnt brush his teeth then that's why he has yellowish teeth.

How many times should a ten year old brush it's teeth?

2 times per day

How can I effectively brush the teeth of my 2-year-old who refuses to cooperate?

One way to effectively brush the teeth of a 2-year-old who refuses to cooperate is to make it a fun and interactive experience. You can try using a toothbrush with their favorite character, playing their favorite song while brushing, or letting them "brush" their own teeth first. Consistency and patience are key in establishing a routine and making it a positive experience for your child.

Why was it important to brush your teeth in the middle ages?

if you stop brushing your teeth. when you get old. you will have false chompers.

What the person called that takes care of you teeth?

The great majority of people brush their own teeth. Infants and toddlers usually have a parent to brush the teeth. Very old people usually have an orderly or nursing aide brush their teeth.

How many teeth should a 10 year old have have?

a 10 year old should have 28 teeth

Can a baby teeth at 3 months old?

Yes they do but you cant see them?

Why teeth fallout in 35yr old felmale?

Do you smoke meth? If you do, perhaps that is the reason. Also, there is a thing called a toothbrush, they are AMAZING at cleaning your teeth. You put this paste, this tooth paste on said brush, and brush onto teeth paying close attention to gums.

What is the number of teeth 10 year old has?

24 teeth

What is a good slogan for tooth that 8-10years old children will understand it?

A good slogan for teeth that eight to ten year old children will understand is you do not have to brush all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep. Another slogan is two brushes a day keeps the cavities away.