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Q: Why can some people bend their fingernails?
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Why can some people bend their fingertips?

Their fingernails could be weak.

Is it bad if you don't have lunula on fingernails?

no, some people have them, and some people dont. simple as that....:)

Why do your fingernails break?

Because they are not infinitely strong, and you bend and stress them when doing things with your fingers.

Why do who have fingernails?

People's fingernails are designed to protect the ends of our fingers, which are much more delicate than fingernails are.

Why do some people bend their head to check if something visually beautiful?

Some people bend their head to check if something visually beautiful because its just a habit they are used to

Are there cases where the toe nails grow faster than the fingernails?

My toenails definitely grow faster than my fingernails. I must be one of the unusual people in this world because everything I read sayd that fingernails grow faster. I know for a fact that my toenails grow faster, but I have no idea why. I wish my fingernails would grow as fast as my toenails! I don't think that toenails grow faster than fingernails, it's that toenails tend to be stronger so they don't break as easily. That's why it seems to some people that their toenails are growing faster than their fingernails; Fingernails are more susceptible to breakage because they are thinner.

Which has more people medford of bend?

Bend has alot more people

Is having a patient bend their arm after a blood draw wrong?

no not necessarily ..some people bend them and some don't..however, keping the arm straight will help to reduce the chance and size of bruising.

Have people been born without fingernails?

Yes. I am an example of such a person. I was born without fingernails and eyebrows, both of which eventually developed after birth.

Do people need fingernails?

To paint your nails to look pretty!!

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Why do dead people's fingernails turn blue?

After death, blood circulation stops, causing blood to pool in the capillaries under the fingernails. This pooling of deoxygenated blood can give the fingernails a bluish appearance due to lack of oxygen.