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Brain cells remain in the brain. They are the building blocks of the brain. If the brain cells were in the stomach, you'd have a brain in your stomach! Same goes for the stomach and all parts of the body.

In my yoga class my instructor mentioned that there are more brain cells in the stomach than in the brain, I wanted to find out if it was true and I came across this article. So maybe you can have cells "in the wrong places"...... (look below under related links)

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Q: Why can't you find brain cells in your stomach and stomach cells in your brain?
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Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is found in the stomach, where it aids in the digestion of food by breaking down proteins. It is secreted by special cells in the lining of the stomach called parietal cells.

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no weed does not kill brain cells. but if u do find a way to loose them u do loss them permanently there the only kind of cell that does not regenerate.

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You would expect to find the most tight junctions in epithelial cells that line the intestines or the blood-brain barrier. These tight junctions help to create a barrier that regulates the passage of substances between cells, ensuring proper control of what gets through.

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Glial cells are primarily found in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and in the peripheral nervous system. They play a crucial role in supporting and protecting neurons.

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Damaged cells in the brain cannot be replaced because the brain lacks the ability to regenerate cells like other organs in the body. Additionally, the complex network of neurons in the brain makes it difficult for new cells to integrate and function properly. Research is ongoing to find ways to stimulate brain cell regeneration, but it remains a challenging area in neuroscience.

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In your brain! In your stomach; gali, sheher, everywhere...

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I'm Austin and I cant find my brain anywhere can you help me I go to mental school in Niger

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if you cant find it, it will find you. just forget about it for a while relax your brain,dont stress out, suddenly i will appear for you. that is what i did for my glasses o_O

Where can you find hydrochloric acid in you body?

Hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach by parietal cells to help with the digestion of food. It is a component of gastric acid that aids in breaking down food and killing bacteria in the stomach.

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Because he is fat and cause..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .I'm Austin and I cant find my brain anywhere can you help me I go to mental school in Niger

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I'm Austin and I cant find my brain anywhere can you help me I go to mental school in Niger