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You can hear Autistic people simply by listening to them - whether they talk verbally or communicate via other means. The organisation Autism Speaks has the tagline 'It's time to listen' but they refuse to listen to autistic can't hear unless you listen, and that's when problems arise with people seeking to 'help' autistic people when they don't know what autistic people need or want.

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It's a matter of they never have learned how to speak, or some just choose not to speak.

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There is nothing that prevents an autistic person from hearing.

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Q: Why can't some autism people talk?
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You know these two boys with autism one can talk the other cant but the one who cant talk seems to be smarter than the other why is this?

i have autism too, its probably because the "smarter" one has more social problems than the other and is just choosing not to talk, or was too scared to learn, btw im 12

When was Talk About Curing Autism created?

Talk About Curing Autism was created in 2000.

What causes behaviors in autism people?

Autism has lots of behaviors. The 3 major symptoms is ignoring people, can't talk at an age when you should be able to, and behavior that is unusual.

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Autism is a spectrum, so people with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) vary hugely in their abilities. Some cannot read and are very disabled; others are highly literate, with skills above the general population.

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Some people can others cant if you want to know more talk to me on this web page.

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Not all autistic people are non-verbal. Those who are non-verbal may have physical reasons why they cannot talk, but often it is because autistic people can struggle to go from thinking about talking to actually making themselves talk - some people can remain silent for decades, then suddenly talk.

What education or experiences can encourage a person with autism to learn to speak?

sign language people with autism have trouble talking to people face to face, if you try using things like a puppet or pretend phone this seems to help, my son didnt talk until he was 4, we bought him a puppy and we pretended to be the dog when we talked to him and he started to respond, then we would pretend to talk on the phone to him Some people with autism or Asperger's Syndrome find it easier to talk in the dark or in chairs placed back to back so they cannot see the other person or persons, and thus body language is not an issue.

How do you talk with people in ub funkies internet?

you cant

When you called me DUM in got sad because am only 9 years old?

When they say "dumb", they mean you cant talk. Can you talk? If not, your dumb. Not stupid, just like a dulled sense. Like people who cant see are blind, people who cant hear are deaf and of course, people who cant talk are dumb. Just the way it is.

Can dead people talk?

No! Are you crazy! They are dead! Gone! Bye-bye! Cant talk!

What are people called when they cant talk?

People who cannot talk may be referred to as mute or nonverbal.