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Q: Why can't see orange?
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One of the colors zebras cannot see is orange

How do you get an orange puffle on clubpenguin?

You cant if you see stuff like that on they are using glitches that can banned you forever

How do use garry's mod in the orange box?

You cant. It doesnt come with The Orange Box.

What is mono orange josis?

it is where you cannot see anything that is orange

How do you make orange without yellow?

you cant

How do you be as funny as the annoying orange?

you cant unless ur him.

How can you use facebook chat on an orange rio?

no you cant

How do you make orange into peach?

you cant, unless you fake it.

How do you get a orange puffle if you are not a member?

You cant its only for members. Sorry!

What is the color for embarrassment?

ithought it was orange but cant find one

Can you see pneumonia with the bare eye?

No. You cant see it with your bare eye. I have it and you cant see it.

How can you ensure that you are not in a truckers zone?

If you cant see his mirrors, then he cant see you.