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The pancreas produces several important hormones and enzymes that are necessary for the body to function and digest food and nutrients. Therefore, the pancreas is a vital organ necessary for live, and someone can't live without it. In some instances, individuals have successfully received a pancreatic transplant.

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12y ago

Basically, for the same reason that you wouldn't amputate your arm if you had a tumor on your finger. Your body functions best (usually) with all of its own organs and parts functioning, even if they are only partially functioning. If it is possible to remove the tumor without removing the entire organ, then this is usually done to preserve the best possible functioning of the body. As for the pancreas specifically, without it, the body would be unable to produce enough of its own insulin, and would die without intervention. The body's lack of a pancreas would mean a lifetime of insulin shots, multiple times per day, in order to survive, and even that wouldn't guarantee survival. Ultimately, with the human body and its organs, if it isn't broken, don't fix it, and if it is broken, it is better to fix it, if possible, than to remove it.

yeah it is good enough to take the doses after it isn't being healed by the our RBCs.This is fair to understand that we cannot deny any sort of cancers by avoiding the fundamental aspects of genetic integretion because our human body markup totally based on those genetic layout.So if our body is able to run without insulin,the insulin that are produced by pancreatic glands,this is to be well recognised that this is the presumption of evolution that is widely derived by stinging cell prevention.the body is affected with cancer if only there is some kind of disorders visible within genetic stimulation .so,this can be described with intervention usually specified with the production of insulin.

so i just want it to make clear that cancer of pancreatic gland enheld death in majority because it function with the basic enrollment for harmones that are responsible for our better development.thus avoiding the threats before diagonisis is better to be the victim.

i just want to consult everybody who has this kind of problem to take the better consultation by expert before getting any decision. thank u!

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15y ago

cuz the cancer has spread not only on pancreas but somewhere else too.

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