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it is too unstable

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Q: Why can't ATP be stored in muscle?
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Is ATP the most abundant energy source for muscle contraction?

Yes, ATP is the primary energy source for muscle contraction. During intense exercise, ATP stored within the muscle cells is rapidly depleted and must be regenerated through metabolic pathways to sustain muscle contractions.

Is glycogen stored in muscle cells is used primarily to provide glucose for red blood cells?

Doubtful. One would think that any glycogen stored in muscle cells would be producing mitochondrial ATP for use in the sarcomere, the muscle contraction unit.

In the muscle cells in your body what energy is changed into what energy?

In muscle cells, chemical energy stored in ATP molecules is converted into mechanical energy during muscle contraction. This process involves the hydrolysis of ATP to release energy that powers the interactions between proteins within muscle cells, leading to muscle movement.

What are the energy sources for muscle contraction to occur?

Energy is supplied to muscles for contraction by means of adenosine triphosphate being stored in muscle fibers. These are stored from creatine phosphate, enough to power muscle contractions for a few seconds.

Energy produced in mitochondria is stored in a substance called what?

Energy produced in mitochondria is stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This molecule acts as the primary energy carrier in cells, delivering energy for cellular processes.

Does muscle relaxation does not require ATP?

Both muscle relaxation and muscle contraction require ATP.

What type of muscle is rich in ATP?

Skeletal muscle is rich in ATP as it is the primary energy source for muscle contraction and movement. Skeletal muscle has high energy demands and relies on ATP for fuel during exercise and physical activity.

Mitochondria produce ATP by?

Mitochondria produce ATP through a process called oxidative phosphorylation, which involves the electron transport chain and ATP synthase enzyme. This process generates energy from the breakdown of nutrients, such as glucose, to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as the cell's main energy source.

What are three Cellular activities that use the energy stored in Atp?

Three cellular activities that use the energy stored in ATP are muscle contraction, active transport of molecules across cell membranes, and cell division. ATP is the primary energy currency of the cell and is used to power multiple cellular processes.

What happens to food in order for it to be stored in ATP?

Respiration should take place. There energy of food is stored in ATP

If muscle contractions use ATP at or below the maximum rate of ATP generation by mitochondria the muscle fiber will what?

If muscle contractions use ATP at or below the maximum rate of ATP generation by mitochondria, the muscle fiber will be able to sustain the contraction for a longer period without fatigue, as the ATP production can meet the energy demands of the muscle activity.

How is energy from glucose metabolism stored and use in the body?

During glucose metabolism, the energy from glucose is stored in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is a molecule that acts as an energy currency in cells. When energy is needed, ATP is broken down, releasing energy that can be used for various cellular processes such as muscle contraction or active transport.