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Once you deplete the available energy reserves of a muscle it starts feeding on itself, burning protein instead of sugar. When you do that, the muscle starts to produce lactic acid as a product of converting protein to energy. The lactic acid is toxic and painful. The muscle will hurt until it is able to purge the lactic acid. Part of the process causes the muscle to enlarge and store more energy for NEXT time, resulting in larger and stronger muscles which can work for a longer time.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

It most likely means that you did not work out those muscles enough. Even though they got a workout, you need to do more reps with whatever weight you use or use more weight.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

because your muscles are adapting to the workout you did

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It because You were sore and you work more the muscle in your body need to rest so just tell so one to help massage where was sore and take a rest

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Q: Why are your muscles sore after you work out?
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Why do your muscles become sore?

because you are tearing them when you work them out.

Are sore muscles a sign that you are gaining strength?

Sore muscles are a sign you are over doing it. You should take it easy if you are just starting out, if not let your muscles gradually work out to getting what it is you wish to reach.

What do you do for sore arm?

Continuing to work those sore muscles is what you shouldn't do. By continuing to workout, you put too much pressure on the muscles and instead of being strengthen, you tire them and they will rip therefore you'll have to see a doctor and you can't exercise for 1-2 months. And when your muscles are sore, give them days of rest until they aren't sore anymore, eating food will determine the energy for the sore muscles, and stretch them to make the pain go away.

Is is bad for you to work out if your muscles are sore?

To work out sore musecls you set down or lay down, and rotate the arm or leg slowly and not very harsh. You do that for a minute or two the switch and go backwards instead of forward. Do this to your legs and arms whenever they are sore and they will feel better, then lay down and watcha a movie!No, you should not workout with sore muscles. If you work out with sore muscles instead of the muscle strengthening the muscle gets worn down and eventually, without rest, will rip and become worthless for one to two months, depending on how long it takes you to heal. You should devise your workout routine to work arm muscles one day and leg muscles the next, or whatever other thing you want to workout. Just make sure to give the muscles that you just worked out a day of rest and you should be fine.

Why do you get severe cramps in legs after long exercise?

Because your muscles are sore after a long day of hard nonstop work.

Why do your muscles NOT get sore after a workout even after working them to exhaustion to the point where no more reps can be completed?

Your muscles are the strongest parts of your body, even if you work you muscles to exhaustion, they will not hurt. It takes an awful lot to make your muscles hurt.

Why do your muscles feel sore after training?


What is the chemical cause of sore muscles?

Lactic acid settling in the muscles

Is Ginger good for sore muscles?


Does magnesium supplements really help with muscle pain?

Magnesium for repairing sore muscles can work along with fish oil and protein powders which help to restore muscles faster after workouts.

Why you your stomach sore after you do sit ups does it mean am getting a six pack?

Youre just working muscles that you normally dont work