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Because you have hayfever. O_O

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Q: Why are you unable to go outside without having an allergic reaction?
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Can your horse be allergic to bee stings?

Yes, and if you notice the horse having an allergic reaction, call the vet.

Why do your eyes swell after eating shrimp?

You are having an allergic reaction to the shrimp.

Can you have an allergic reaction to cactus quills?

Yes, you can have an allergic reaction to anything. You can even develop an allergy to things that you have previously never been allergic to before. If you think you are having an alleric reaction, take Benadryl if the reaction is not too severe. But if you begin having difficulty breathing, severe swelling, numbness, difficulty swallowing, etc... you need to get to a doctor or emergency room ASAP. If it is a serious allergic reaction, you can go into anaphalactic shock, which can be fatal.

What are the allergic reactions to amoxicillin in infants?

An allergic reaction can be hives or even a severe reaction such as anaphylactic shock. If you have any concerns regarding the medication you are on or the symptoms you may be having call your doctor immediatly. Severe allergic reactions can cause death.

Whats wrong with a dog who is thirsty coughing and lethargic?

He could be having an allergic reaction to something.

I am sweatydizzylight headed and your heart rate is fast what can you have?

Sounds like you are having an allergic reaction to something.

Can Lexapro withdrawal cause hives or rashes?

It sounds like your having an allergic reaction to Lexapro.

Why do your feet turn red?

If they get too hot, If they get too cold, if you banged them on something, if you are having an allergic reaction.

Can you take naproxen and allopurinol together without having an anaphylactic reaction?

An anaphylactic reaction has nothing to do with taking medications together. Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction caused by your body's response to a certain substance. When you eat or take something you are allergic to, you could have this sort of reaction where your mouth and throat swell up and block your breathing. That is what an anaphylactic reaction.There are no known drug interactions between naproxen and allopurinol. Unless you are allergic to one of them, you can safely take them together. Take them with food because they can both be hard on the stomach.

Why does your throat swell when you chew tobacco?

This very well may be due to your body having an allergic reaction to tobacco, try going without for a few days to see if the swelling goes down.

What wrong if your face swells up?

It most likely means that one is having an allergic reaction to something that has come in contact with the body. To get rid of an allergic reaction, take a dosage of benedryl, and go see a doctor immediately.

I got rash after having an ultrasound, could it be a allergic reaction to the gel?

Judging from the literature, it looks like an allergic reaction is unlikely. Rather, it was probably contact dermatitis, which can have similar symptoms, but the cause is totally different than an allergy.