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because the fertalized egg is blocked from making it to the uterus and implants outside of the uterus

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Q: Why are women who had a tubal more at risk for an ectopic pregnancy?
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Can a person become pregnant with twins after tubal ligation?

Pregnancy after tubal ligation is very rare. Tubal ligation has less than a 2% failure rate and even if you do get pregnant without reversal surgery you are more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous and you should see a Dr immediately if you feel that you may be pregnant.

If you have a tubal pregnancy will it read on a pregnancy test?

Most pregnancy tests test for the presence of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in the woman's blood or urine. Ectopic pregnancies are usually picked up by home pregnancy tests however it is possible that do to lower levels of hCG that sometimes result from ectopic pregnancies you could get a false negative. Ectopic pregancies can potentially become very dangeros, if you suspect that you may have an ectopic pregnancy even if a home pregnancy test is negative, it would be wise to see a physician. For more info check out

If you cannot afford a tubal reversal what are your options?

There are many cases of women having normal (uterine) pregnancies after having their tubes tied, while their tubes are STILL tied. An ectopic pregnancy, is a pregnancy within the fallopian tube-this can happen to a woman who does, or does not, have her tubes tied, as well as a woman who have never been pregnant before or who has had normal pregnancies in the past. However, woman who have had a tubal ligation reversed are at higher risk for ectopic pregnancies as her fallopian tubes will have scarring and may not be as 'free-flowing' as before the tubal ligation. This risk is especially high immediately following the reversal (for up to 60 days, while healing), as the tubes themselves are swollen due to the recent procedure. However, it is not as high of a risk as some believe. Many women go on to have a normal pregnancy. Many doctors recommend performing reliable birth control methods during this time to lessen the risk of ectopic pregnancy,as ectopic pregnancies can irreversibly damage the fallopian tube and if left undetected cause death. Invitro fertilization is possible also, but it is more expensive. Tubal reversals can cost 5-7,000 and cycles are much pricier with the fertilization. There is also a charge for EACH cycle.

I had a previous female sterilization (tubal ligation). It didn’t work and I became pregnant. The pregnancy was in the tube (ectopic pregnancy). I am now pregnant again. Is it safe for me to use the abortion pills?

No, it is not safe to use abortion pills if you know that you are at risk for ectopic pregnancy. Because you had a tubal ligation, we know there is scarring in your tubes (Fallopian tubes). That’s probably why your last pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy. The Fallopian tubes are where a female egg is fertilized with a male sperm. The pregnancy starts to grow and move along the tube to the womb. If your tube is scarred, the early pregnancy can get trapped in the tube. As the pregnancy grows, it can cause the tube to break open. If the tube breaks open, this can cause major bleeding inside you, which is life threatening. You are at risk for another ectopic pregnancy. You should not use the abortion pills on your own until a healthcare provider is sure that the pregnancy is in the womb, not in your tubes. For more information you can visit or contact at 0

Is it safe to use abortion pills to end an ectopic pregnancy?

No, it is not safe to use abortion pills if you know that you are at risk for ectopic pregnancy. Because you had a tubal ligation, we know there is scarring in your tubes (Fallopian tubes). That’s probably why your last pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy. The Fallopian tubes are where a female egg is fertilized with a male sperm. The pregnancy starts to grow and move along the tube to the womb. If your tube is scarred, the early pregnancy can get trapped in the tube. As the pregnancy grows, it can cause the tube to break open. If the tube breaks open, this can cause major bleeding inside you, which is life threatening. You are at risk for another ectopic pregnancy. You should not use the abortion pills on your own until a healthcare provider is sure that the pregnancy is in the womb, not in your tubes. If you want to know more how to use an abortion pills for ectopic pregnancy , visit Send mail to for more queries.

What gender do Sexual Transmitted Diseases affect more of?

Women~ Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD's) affect women more severely than men, causing sterility more often in a women than in men, ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy in which the embryo begins development outside the uterus), and cervical cancer. ;~)

Is it possible to get pregnant 15 years after tubal ligation?

Although natural pregnancy could occur it is very slim. If it does happen naturally there is a very good chance that it would be ectopic. The most natural way to have a child after having a tubal ligation is with tubal ligation reversal. Surprising to many is the fact the tubal reversal has a better pregnancy rate than the alternative treatment of IVF. Not only does tubal ligation reversal have a better success rate it is more natural and less expensive than the alternative.

Can you have an ectopic pregnancy if you smoke the first two weeks of pregnancy?

In ectopic pregnancy, there are three mechanisms that occur: delayed ovulation, altered tubal and uterine motility, or altered immunity. Even though there is no study that supports a specific mechanism by which smoking causes ectopic pregnancy, there are many studies that support that smoking indeed plays a factor in having ectopic pregnancies. According to various research and studies, women who smoke are more likely than nonsmokers to have ectopic pregnancies. Apparently, smoking is associated with up to five times greater risk because of the nicotine in cigarettes. Nicotine causes contractions in the fallopian tubes resulting in muscle spasms which can alter the pathway of the embryo. Smoking even as close as the time of ovulation, can already alter the fallopian tubes and temporarily block any embryo that passes through. Therefore, I highly suggest cessation of smoking before ovulation, which is definitely even before the first two weeks of pregnancy.

What is the medical term meaning extrauterine pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is the more commonly-used medical term for extrauterine pregnancy.

In the human female is there another organ for a baby to exit?

No, there is no other organ except through the vagina. However the infant can begin to develop in odd places that are not part of the reproductive system. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants in a location outside the uterus and tries to develop there. The word ectopic means "in an abnormal place or position." The most common site is the fallopian tube, the tube that normally carries eggs from the ovary to the uterus. However, ectopic pregnancy can also occur in the ovary, the abdomen, and the cervical canal (the opening from the uterus to the vaginal canal). The phrases tubal pregnancy, ovarian pregnancy, cervical pregnancy, and abdominal pregnancy refer to the specific area of an ectopic pregnancy. More than 95% percent of all ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube. Only 1.5% develop in the abdomen; less than 1% develop in the ovary or the cervix. Ectopic pregnancy was first described in the eleventh century and was a potentially fatal condition until the advent of surgery and blood transfusions in the early twentieth century.

How can I have an abortion if I have been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy?

First, you must know that most women will not be aware of this condition unless they have had an ultrasound. Ectopic pregnancies are not viable so even in countries where abortion is not legal women could have access to a legal procedure to terminate this pregnancy. To know more how to do abortion with safe precautions you can visit howtouseabortionpill website or consult counselors at safe2choose website.

Can you get pragant after having your tubes tied and would it be safe?

Yes, there is a slight chance that you may get pregnant. Is it safe? It is safe if the baby is in the uterus and not in the fallopian tube (ectopic pregnancy). If you feel that you may be pregnant then you need to contact your physician ASAP. For those that want children after having their tubes tied it is possible and quite safe. There are usually two choices for those who desire children after a ligation the first being IVF and the tubal reversal. More and more couples are now choosing tubal reversal surgery due to the better pregnancy success rate and lower cost than IVF. The Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Report 2009 is the largest study completed to date on the success of tubal reversal concerning pregnancy.