The pulmonary vein is the most important vein found in the heart because it brings oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atrium.
The femoral vein carries blood from the leg back to the heart. It is an important vessel in the venous system for returning deoxygenated blood for reoxygenation.
the gastrosplenic vein joins the superior mesenteric vein and takes blood to the hepatic vein
Blood-vein was created in 1931.
The PULMONARY vein. Pulmonary = lungs. Vein = ALWAYS carries blood TO the heart.
Because it helps close the cut in the vein.
The clean blood in the renal vein is carried back to the heart to be circulated throughout the body. This blood is important for delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs, as well as removing waste products.
Gastrosplenic Vein joins the Superior Mesenteric Vein and takes blood to Hepatic Portal Vein and delivers blood to liver.
the blood that carries blood from your heart is your arteries
It Is, That Is Where The Jugular Vein Is. The Jugular Vein Is The Biggest Most Important Vein In The Body And Runs Down Thw Side Of The Neck, If Opened There Is No Way To Close It And It Is Pressurized So It Spurts. All Your Blood Will Be Out Of Your Body Within 4 Minutes.
There are two veins that carry oxygen they are the Pulmonary vein and the Umbilical vein:-)
Blood flow from a vein is slower than that from an artery.