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there are two 2 differenct vaccines for the Swine Flu because people who are needles phobic prefer the nasal spray whereas everyone else would prefer the shot. I prefer the shot only because research it works better than the nasal, i would rather have pain and not the swine flu. wouldn't you?? (note this is my opinion ask your doc for more info.) hope this helps =]

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Q: Why are there 2 different vaccines for the Swine Flu?
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Is there any harm in receiving two full dose flu vaccines in one year?

No, but if you get swine flu and regular flu shot, it will be harder to get the flu.

Is there swine flu at hartley brook school sheffield?

1. Yes because their is pigs in the school which have flu .2. The pigs swine and have flu.

What is some interesting information about the Swine Flu?

The following information applies to the H1N1 Swine Flu, but it is not pertinent to the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic, Influenza A H1N1/09 virus. See links section below for information on the 2009 H1N1 Influenza virus.1) It's called swine flu because that's where it got the genes that really matter to our health and it is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs.2) Swine Flu viruses (there are mainly 4) do not normally infect humans.3) From December 2005 and February 2009, there were 12 cases of humans infected from the swine flu.4) In September 1988, a healthy 32 year old pregnant women was put into the hospital and died 8 days later. Doctors detected that she had Swine Flu.5) There are vaccines for most cases of Swine Flu but not all of them.

Swine Flu in victorville California?

no cases of the swine flu in victorville yet just be aware...Actually there are hundreds of swine flu cases in victorville, my 2 year old daughter and my friends daughter both have it

How many people in the world have Swine Flu?


How swing flu is different from other diseases causing organisms?

im joking you only get it if you come in contact with swine flu ok nothing 2 worry about well not yet anyway

Im sure you have flu my sons school has 2 cases of Swine Flu how will you know if you do?

Well, it's quite easy. The swine flu symptoms are these : Having a high temperature (fever) Having very bad coughs Having a very bad headache Having a blocked or runny nose Having a very bad sore throat Usually, when people catch swine flu, the fever indicates that they have caught the swine flu.

How many schools will be closed cause of Swine Flu?

That is a hard question to answer and is decided by each school district or individual school if swine flu cases are present in their systems. Regardless of when schools are shut down, any student diagnosed with swine flu should stay home until all chance of infecting others is over and they are completely over it.

What are the four phases of Swine Flu?

It is not a combination of four viruses in swine flu, only the one H1N1/09 virus. You may be thinking of the four types of genetic material contained in the genome (virus DNA or RNA hereditary information) that are found in the H1N1/09 virus. These contain the genetic material of the virus and help in identification of the specific virus and the origins of it. Swine flu (H1N1/09) contains genomes from four types of flu, this is called a quadruple reassortant (or reassortment). It indicates that there have been changes in the original virus with introduction of new genomes to create the new form. The four types of flu reassorted in the pandemic swine flu are: Eurasian swine flu, American swine flu, Avian flu, and Human flu. Some scientists prefer to call it a quintuple reassortant and list it as five by breaking down Eurasian swine flu into the original two genomes that combined to form it, Asian swine flu and European swine flu.

When was the first Swine Flu death?

On April 13, 2009, Maria Adela Gutierrez, the first swine flu victim, died in Oaxaca, Mexico. The first swine flu death in the United States was April 29, 2009 when a 2-year-old Texas child died after visiting Mexico.

Did the Swine Flu start 8 months ago from 2009?

Yes, see also the answer of the question in the related question section below.

Does the flu shot protect from H1N1?

In a way. Originally we needed to take a separate vaccination for the swine flu. Beginning in the 2010 - 2011 flu season, the regular seasonal flu vaccine was adjusted to include the vaccine for the swine flu. So now you can be protected from swine flu by taking the regular seasonal flu shot in the US.