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Swine Flu is a threat you can die from it. Wash and Sanitize your hands, cough the right way, don't touch your face, and keep your germs to your self do these things to prevent swine flu. So be careful

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15y ago
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Yes. So is simply getting a non-swine related flu...

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13y ago

probably because people have heard about it on the radio. but swine flu is a bit like normal flu though but its heard on the radio and t.v. normal flu isn't heard on the t.v though.

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Q: Why are people more worried about Swine Flu than seasonal flu?
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If you have just received the seasonal flu shot and then exposed to Swine Flu are you more compromised to contract the virus?

I don't know what your trying to say but i heard in the news that if you receive the seasonal flu shot,your more likely to get the swine flu.

If I test positive for the seasonal flu could I still have Swine Flu?

Possible but the viruses are very similar, if your body is already fighting seasonal flu chances are it will be more effective at combating swine flu anyway.

If one has contracted Swine Flu are they more likely to die than if they had contracted normal seasonal flu?

swine flu is not as bad as normal flu

What does Swine Flu cause?

The H1N1/09 pandemic swine flu virus causes influenza. The symptoms are the same as most other types of flu. It has caused millions of people world-wide to become sick with the flu and thousands of deaths. It is a milder disease than some other types of flu, including the regular seasonal flu that, while not the same number of cases like the more easily transmitted swine flu, the seasonal flu typically causes the death of more of those infected than swine flu has so far. In the US there are approximately 36,000 deaths from the seasonal flu each year. See the related question below for more on the symptoms and death rates of swine flu.

Why is the Swine Flu a national emergency when the seasonal flu has caused more deaths per year then the Swine Flu has ever caused?

Because we all know flu will cause death, it is new. also,swine lu began by farm pigs in Mexico, the farmer caused swine flu, it got to his wife,and to people. Pig meat sellers have started to wash hands and the pig before cutting,farmers cleaning pig patches. the died people amont is 58 percent.

Is it rare for a person to die when they have the swine-flu?

Yes, especially when you compare to the rate of deaths of the seasonal flu. See the related question below for more detail.

How to Recognize Swine Flu Symptoms?

In 2009, the swine flu pandemic had people in a panic with the uncertainty of their health. Scientists scrambled to quickly come up with an effective vaccine to combat the virus. The swine flu turned out to be milder than previous pandemics, but today's flu vaccine covers both seasonal and swine flu. 2011 has reports of two people infected with swine flu, though both were in contact with pigs shortly before contracting the virus. The contraction of swine flu is rare, but can be spread from pigs to humans, or humans to pigs. Swine flu symptoms do not appear much differently than seasonal flu symptoms at first. These include high fever, cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, body aches, chills, and fatigue. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that swine flu symptoms may vary slightly from seasonal flu. For instance, in the 2009 outbreak, Mexico reported that 30% of cases showed no fever, and Chile reported 50% of their cases had no fever. Most consider fever as a tell-tale sign of illness, and its absence could lead people to wait to go to the doctor for treatment. Pay attention to the symptoms. Swine flu can have severe symptoms like extreme fatigue or malaise. Vomiting and diarrhea is also more common in swine flu. If you show these symptoms, it is time for a visit to the doctor. Swine flu can be more serious than the seasonal flu because it is more likely to cause complications like pneumonia and respiratory problems. A rapid flu test can show whether the influenza A virus, or swine flu, is present. Antiviral drugs recommended by the CDC for treatment of influenza A virus are Oseltamivir or Zanamivir. Swine flu symptoms usually start to disappear within one to two weeks as long as complications do not arise. The elderly and those with chronic health problems such as asthma or heart problems could experience worsening of symptoms related to those conditions. It is important to take immediate action if you suspect you have swine flu. Take steps to prevent seasonal and swine flu with the vaccine or visit your doctor for more information on preventative measures.

When is the right time for testing Swine Flu?

When you begin to feel any of these symptoms, definitely take notice.fever, which is usually high, but unlike seasonal flu, is sometimes absentcoughrunny nose or stuffy nosesore throatbody achesheadachechillsfatigue or tiredness, which can be extremediarrhea and vomiting, sometimes, but more commonly seen than with seasonal fluBut if your experince any of these more severe symptoms i think you should be checked for swine flu- pneumonia and respiratory failure.

Do you eventually die from Swine Flu or can you easily survive?

Although many people have died from the pandemic swine flu, there were so many people who caught the flu in the pandemic, when you evaluate the percentages of deaths that have been related to the flu, it is significantly less deadly than feared and less deadly than even the annual seasonal flu. Most people survive easily. See the related questions for more information.

What are the Japanese people worried other than tsunamis and earthquakes?

They are worried about there survival and are worried that there is goin to be no more japan :( :( :( :(

How Swine Flu attack human beings?

The so-called "swine flu", more correctly called an H1N1 Flu, causes influenza in humans. The H1N1 flu seems to severely affect more people between the ages of 4 and 30, and fewer of the over-60 group, than does the seasonal flu. It also seems to come less often with a fever, and perhaps to last a bit longer. But basically it is influenza.

Is the normal seasonal flu worse than Swine Flu?

Yes, more people have died each year from the "regular" flu than have died from the 2009 swine flu. In the US approximately 36,000 people die each year from the seasonal flu. The numbers are much lower with H1N1/09. Luckily, although it spreads easily and has infected millions of people, a lower percentage have died from the swine flu.The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that, as of 2/12/10, from the beginning of the pandemic in spring 2009, the US had approximately 57 million cases of A-H1N1/09 Pandemic Swine Flu and approximately 11,690 resulting deaths. Based upon this, an estimate of the mortality rate in the US from the pandemic is 0.02%.In comparison, the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that with seasonal flu, "we see over 30 million cases in the United States. We see 200,000 hospitalizations and, on average, 36,000 deaths." (During the entire fall and winter flu seasons.) Based upon this, the average mortality rate of seasonal flu in the US would be 0.12 %.