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Females are not more likely to get Down's syndrome.

Down's syndrome is slightly more common among males with most studies showing about 106 to 125 boys for every 100 girls.

In some studies younger mothers, who have a lower total chance of having a baby with Down's syndrome, have a more skewed male:female ratio when they do (as high as 173 boys for every 100 girls).

No one is sure why boy are affected more often.

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14y ago

It is known that females are more likely to be afflicted with spina bifida, but the reason is not known.

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For some unknown reason spina bifida is more common in females.

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Females. See the Related link below.

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Q: Why are females more likely to get Down syndrome than males?
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Is down syndrome most common with females?

Down Syndrome is spread fairly evenly between males and females. There does seem to be a slightly higher incidence among males, however.

Are people with Down syndrome sterile?

50% of females with Down syndrome are able to conceive children, while males with Down syndrome are usually sterile.

Would a male with Down syndrome and a male without Down syndrome have a child with Down syndrome?

== == * I did some research and learned that men with Down syndrome are usually sterile. Most women can get pregnant and have children. Since there is a high risk of Down syndrome in the baby (35%-50%), many times the pregnancy would end in a miscarriage. But many Down syndrome people have had children. * Technically yes, but it's unlikely. Fertility is greatly reduced in both males and females with Down syndrome, although there have been a few cases of males fathering children and females bearing them. * Actually, there has only been 1 case of a male fathering a child. A women with Down syndrome can have children, but there is a 50% chance that the baby will be born with Down syndrome.

What are the 3 major chromosomal disorders?

The three major chromosomal disorders are Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and Klinefelter syndrome. Down syndrome is characterized by an extra copy of chromosome 21, Turner syndrome involves a missing or incomplete X chromosome in females, and Klinefelter syndrome is caused by an extra X chromosome in males.

What is the possible outcome of Down syndrome?

The likelihood of an individual with down syndrome to conceive a child is extremely rare. There is infertility among both males and females with Down syndrome; males are usually unable to father children, while females demonstrate significantly lower rates of conception relative to unaffected individuals. Women with DS are less fertile and often have difficulties with miscarriage, premature birth and difficult labor. Without implantation genetic diagnosis. approximately half of the offspring of someone with Down syndrome also have the syndrome themselves. Men with DS are almost uniformly infertile,, exhibiting defects in spermatogenesis. There have been only three recorded instances of males with Down syndrome fathering children

What is the results of who has the faster reflexes males of females?

Hands down...Females.

Difference between the chromosomes of a person with Down syndrome and a person without Down syndrome?

An individual with Down Syndrome has the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome.

Can people with Down's Syndrome become pregnant?

Yes, Down's Syndrome does not affect the ability to have children. Men with Down's Syndrome can father children in very rare circumstances, women with Down's Syndrome have about 50% chance of miscarriage.

Can down syndrom people have kids?

Males with Down syndrome usually do not father children, while females have lower rates of fertility relative to those who are unaffected. Fertility is estimated to be present in 30–50% of women.

Can a teenage man with Down syndrome father a child?

No, almost all males with Down Syndrome are unable to have children. There have only been three recorded cases of Down Syndrome fathers

How do cats attract mates?

They spray there urine (females) males track them down. 'their'... not 'there'

Does down syndrome male has a normal sperm?

Males with Down syndrome usually do not father children, while females have lower rates of fertility relative to those who are unaffected. Fertility is estimated to be present in 30–50% of women. The poor fertility in men is thought to be due to problems with sperm development; however, it may also be related to not being sexually active