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Q: Why are diseases that a healthy can fight off will be fatal to a person with AIDS?
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How does your circulatory system fight diseases?

it depends if your body is strong or healthy it does but does not kill the diseases

Why can eating healthy fight diseases?

Eating a healthy diet provides your body with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. This means that a strong, healthy immune system can exist and fight off disease in your body.

Can a physically fit person fight off infectious diseases better than other persons can?

yes because your imune system is high if your healthy

Why do people with HIV or AIDS contract rare diseases?

It's because their immune system can't fight off the diseases regular/healthy people's body would.

Which organ systems help fight diseases?

Your immune system or your live, but you have to have healthy liver to filter out all your diseases.

Is osteoarthritis fatal for women?

In answer to your question, Is osteoarthritis fatal for women? The textbook answer is no. The real answer is yes. A disease that makes your bones break, that makes you feel sore, that makes you not want to get out of bed, that makes you get bed sores, is fatal. Women who are not willing to fight it, die because of it. The actual disease does not kill anyone. The side effects lead to fatal diseases.

What do white blood cells do to diseases?

They fight against diseases

Why do you have injections?

To stop you from getting very serious and sometimes fatal diseases. When you have an injection part of the disease ( which is dead ) will get injected into you by a needle. Your body will then fight this disease off, therefore if the disease which i now alive is to enter your body, your body will recognise it and will be able to fight it off easily!

what benefits do dryfruits have?

Amazing Benefits of Dried or Dry Fruits You Should Definitely Know About: Boost Immunity and Help Fight Diseases. ... Help Combat Cancer. ... Help With Weight Loss. ... Fight Constipation. ... Keep Your Tummy Healthy. ... Have Anti-ageing and Skin-friendly Properties. ... Fight Anaemia and Boost Haemoglobin. ... Help Maintain a Healthy Heart.

What effects does HIV have on people?

it lowers the immunity system thus making the body´s ability to fight diseases to be poor and hence the person becoming prone to getting many diseases

What diseases do anti-bodies fight?

They fight bacterial infections.

Is it easier to fight bacterial diseases in the US or in Africa?

It is thousand times easier to fight bacterial diseases in US than Africa. But when it comes to viral diseases, the difference is less dramatic.