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You have got a very major sex infection, or s.t.d.

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Q: Why am i Throwing up blood peeing blood pooping blood and blood in semen?
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Related questions

How does HIV transport from blood to semen?

semen has a small amount of blood in it so the HIV is still in the blood but is carried by the semen to your partner.

Is it only the fathers blood in semen responsible for childbirth?

There is no blood in semen. The father's semen and the mother's egg are both required for childbirth.

Is there still semen in the womans body after peeing?

Yes, these are completely separate chambers within the body. Semen (when deposited during sex) is not left anywhere near the bladder (which is where urine is stored).

Is it normal to see what looks like semen in the toilet bowl after peeing and pooing only in the morning hours?

Only if you are a guy.

What body fluids does AIDS live in?

It lives in Blood, Semen, and Vaginal Secretions.

Do sperms turn into blood when heated?

No, there is no blood in semen or sperm.

Is any content of blood in human semen?

There is normally no blood in semen. However, if a guy ejaculates especially strongly, some tiny capillaries might burst, injecting a small amount of blood into the semen. Especially in older men, if there is cancer in the prostate, there can be quite a bit of blood in the semen.

What causes yellow semen in males?

Most times semen appears whittish. On some occassions, semen may appear yellowish in males. These may be due to the presence of blood in the semen, albeit it may be small amounts. The small amount of blood mixed with semen may result in the appearance of yellowish semen. Just like occassionally blood may appear in urine, called hematuria. Consult your doctor for your diagnosis.

Can semen affect blood test results?

Semen should not affect standard blood test results. However, it's always a good idea to inform your healthcare provider if you have had recent sexual activity before getting blood tests done.

What will be the smell if you mixed blood and semen?


What is the medical term meaning blood in the seminal fluid?

Hematospermia is blood in the semen.

Can semen be used to screen for HIV?

Semen is not used to test for HIV. Currently it is blood testing only.