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A patient with a neurological impairment may be unable to control their breathing, and the epiglottis, which is responsible for blocking off your airway when you swallow, may not be functioning correctly because of the impairment. This leaves a patient vulnerable to having food and liquids go down their trachea instead of their esophagus.

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Q: Why a patient with neurological impairment not able to protect own airway?
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Why is intubation necessary?

Intubation is necessary when a patient is unable to maintain a clear airway or adequate gas exchange on their own. It ensures proper oxygenation and ventilation by providing a secure airway for mechanical ventilation or to protect the airway from aspiration in certain medical conditions or during surgeries.

How can a head injury compromise the maintenance of a patient's airway?

Airway is compromised because of trauma as it can affect brain, oropharynx, neck, and trachea, pulmonary system resulting in airway obstruction or respiratory problems. Aspiration of blood and gastric contents contribute to compromised airway. Also patients with low level of consciousness are at risk of not being able to protect their airway.

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Suction is used for airway management when the patient can't manage his or her own secretions.

Why do you have to prevent injury in seizure patient?

A patient prone to seizures cannot protect themselves. A seizure causes falls. Once the seizure is underway, the patient needs (primarily) the head and airway protected. Seizure patients may also inhale saliva or vomit, which can then impair breathing.

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Because even though it is recommended for an unconscious patient, if the patient has sustained to severe of a trauma the nasal airway could damage the patient more than help them.

Should you maintain an open airway for an fracture?

If there is no other chest or abdominal injury, and the patient is awake and conscious there is no need to worry about the airway

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You need to open the airway because?

The patient can breath better when it is open

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What is the most common cause of airway obstruction in an unconscious supine patient?

The most common cause of airway obstruction in any patient - supine or not - is the tongue. This is why the first maneuver that should be performed on a patient not breathing is the head-tilt/chin-lift or the jaw thrust. This is to help clear the tongue from the airway and may allow the person to breathe again.

How to measure a Guedel's airway to ensure it is correct size for the patient?

Place the oropharyngeal airway (Guedel) on patient's face to check for correct size - tubing should extend from the corner of the mouth to the tip of the earlobe.

Do you check for a pulse in an unresponsive choking patient?

If the patient is choking, the first priority is to clear the airway, not check the pulse. The airway should be cleared first, and then once the rescue breaths go in, check for a pulse.