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maybee u are tired and have nothin to do in class or maybee u live in the country and don't have a phone or t.v. or internet or maybee u live with a mom or dad or somone and they are so strick and they wont let you do anything but one things for sure......wen ur bored you can play Video Games (yes even gurls play them) or go outside and swim or skate or climb a tree or slede or play tag or hide&sike or watch t.v. or a movie or listen to music or play games on facebook (if u don't have a favebook, you should get one) or lok up random hot ppl on bing lol that's fun! or their are these rawrawesome (yes rawrawesome like rawr + awesome) guys called pun and zi and u can look them up on bing

Scooby Dooby Doo :)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

because you either have no life or nothing top do with you life that you obviously have if your boredness corresponds with my second suggestion, because if it doesn't correspond with the first suggestion then you must have a life...................right?

In other words because you bothered to post this question!

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Q: Why I am feeling bored?
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How do you say feling bored in dutch?

Feeling bored / being bored = verveeld zijn I'm bored = Ik verveel me

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If you are currently feeling that way then yes.

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It is good to draw your feeling out in a piece of white paper

What does am bored mean?

"I am bored" means that someone is feeling uninterested or lacking excitement or stimulation. It typically indicates a desire for something more engaging or entertaining to do.

What activities could you do when you are feeling bored?

Maybe you could try playing some board games...

Is it board or bored?

"Board" refers to a piece of wood or a group of individuals overseeing an organization. "Bored" means feeling uninterested or lacking engagement in something.

How do you spell board as in I feel board?

The correct spelling is bored. A board is a cut or sawed piece of wood.

Is feeling bored a normal thing to feel after losing weight?

Actually It Depends What You Are Interested In. If You Like Sports Then You Shouldn't be Bored! You Should Be Having Fun. Now If You Are A Dork.. Well I Can't Answer That One... My Final Answer Is No. HaHa =]

Is it true that only boring people get bored?

Not necessarily. Even interesting and creative people can feel bored at times, as it is a common human experience. Boredom can occur for many reasons, such as lack of stimulation, disinterest, or feeling burnt out.

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Feeling a little bored today, are we? Don't worry, school starts again in 12 short weeks. 100,000,000,588,642,111,355,555,554,444,436

What does hasta aburrido con nadie con quien hablar mean?

This phrase in Spanish translates to "bored with no one to talk to." It conveys the feeling of being bored due to lacking someone to have a conversation with.

Why do you sigh often?

I may sigh often due to feeling tired, bored, or frustrated. It can also be a habitual response to certain situations or emotional states.