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According to a survey from 2013, around 65 percent of Americans believe that we only use 10 percent of our brain. But this is just a myth, according to an interview with neurologist Barry Gordon in Scientific American. He explained that the majority of the brain is almost always active.

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Q: Why can't we access the other side of our brain.?
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What percentage of the brain can you access?

The whole brain just have to get a hold of your spiritual side

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your body moves physically while your brain is partly sleeping so your brain cant record what is happining on the outside

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The grapple points are meant to get you across from the other side.

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you cant

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yes it is true that the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body. It is alo the other way around.

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I'm assuming that you mean the thalamus, which is where the signals going to your brain are flipped and sent to the other side. This is why the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa.

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No it does not. The left optic nerve carries messages to the right side of the brain. The signals cross over to the other side at the base of the brain.

Which side is the gay side?

Its either the outside or the inside, i cant remember which. The other side is still human though.

How do people tap into the other side of their brain if the are right handed?

The left side/right side scientific side/creative side is a myth.

How do you move strength in Pokemon white with boulders on the other side of you?

you cant

Far away people can get in love?

in my book i think yes because there are lots of people who do! ... but on the other side the other person cant take you some place you like s/he cant go at your side whenever your sad or cant be there with you.... im confused too!