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Joe Dimaggio,Albert Sabin

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Q: Who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the oral polio vaccine?
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What did dr Jonas salk win the nobel prize for?

Dr. Jonas Salk won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1954 for his development of the polio vaccine. His work was instrumental in helping to eradicate polio and saving countless lives worldwide.

Did Albert Sabin win a noble prize award?

No, Albert Sabin did not win a Nobel Prize. He was a Polish-American medical researcher best known for developing the oral polio vaccine.

Were there any obstacles for Jonas Salk while inventing the polio vaccine?


What is anti polio vaccine?

a vaccine that stops you getting polio!

Who formulated the oral polio vaccine?

The oral polio vaccine was formulated by Dr. Albert Sabin. He developed the vaccine in the 1950s as an alternative to the injectable polio vaccine created by Dr. Jonas Salk.

What type of vaccine is polio vaccine?

To protect against polio.

Why did Thomas Huckle Weller win The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1954?

Thomas Huckle Weller won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1954 for his discovery of how to grow the poliovirus in test tubes, which was a crucial step in developing the polio vaccine. This breakthrough paved the way for the development of effective vaccines against polio, saving countless lives worldwide.

Why was polio vaccine invented?

To prevent polio.

What was the polio vaccine used for?

to pervented polio

To whom is pulse polio vaccine given?

The pulse polio vaccine is given to small children.

Who came up with the polio vaccine?

Jonas Salk came up with the first injectable polio vaccine, followed by Albert Sabin who came up with the first oral polio vaccine.

What is a Sabin vaccine?

A Sabin vaccine is a polio vaccine, taken orally.