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Q: Who was the first person to use vaccination as a means of protection against infectious disease?
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Is there a vaccination for epilepsy?

Epilepsy is not an infectious disease, so it cannot have a vaccine. It is a physical condition, so trying to get a vaccination against it is like trying to get a vaccination against breaking your arm.

The act or practice of inoculating someone with vaccine as a protection against disease-?

Vaccination is the act of administering a vaccine to stimulate the body's immune system to develop immunity against a specific disease. It helps protect individuals from infectious diseases by preparing their immune system to recognize and fight off the pathogen if exposed to it in the future.

How does a vaccination protect a person from infectious diseases?

The vaccination process is intended to boost the immune system against infectious diseases and similar problems by introducing a small quantity of the disease to the immune system, so it knows what to look for and how to fight it. However, vaccination does not make you immune, so always exercise as much caution as possible in a situation in which you might be at risk of contracting an infectious disease.

What is the acts or practice of inoculating someone with vaccine as a protection against disease?

The act or practice of inoculating someone with a vaccine as a protection against disease is called a vaccination. This is used to build immunity to specific diseases that could be detrimental to society and to the person who is not vaccinated.

Are mumps eradicated?

No, the only infectious disease to have been completely eradicated by a coordinated vaccination program is smallpox.

How active vaccination protect the body against disease?

Active vaccination produces antibodies against the particular organism. These antibodies kill the invading pathogen and protect the body against the disease.

What is done to immunize the body against disease?


Why are vaccination a particularly effective method for controlling infectious disease?

Because vaccines are the disease ,but dead so your white blood cells get ready when the actual disease comes. It is NOT a treatment. It is NOT a prevention.

Can mucous membranes be a defense mechanism against infectious disease?


What has the author Li-Wei Jen written?

Li-Wei Jen has written: 'Effects of infectious bursal disease virus on Marek's disease vaccination' -- subject(s): Marek's disease, Chickens, Diseases

A vaccine used against an infectious disease may contain?

weakened pathogens

In what two ways can a person become immune to an infectious disease?

A person can become immune to an infectious disease through vaccination, which triggers the body's immune response to produce antibodies against the pathogen. Additionally, a person can also develop natural immunity by recovering from an infection, where the immune system creates memory cells that can recognize and fight the pathogen if re-exposed.