Yellow fever is spread by mosquitoes. The frost kills them off making it much less likely to spread during the winter.Yellow fever is spread by mosquitoes. Frost kills the mosquitoes in the area where the frost occurs. So frost stops the spread of yellow fever in those regions that are not tropical and experience frost.
Yellow fever gives off chills, palness, bloodshot eyes, andsick motions, so a weary person with these signs could have yellow fever
The frosts because it killed off the mosquitoes who were spreading the disease
Fever is the body's way of fighting off a bacteria or a virus. The fever seems to slow it down and even inhibit it.
He died of dysentery. Sir Francis Drake died of fever, probably Yellow Fever, at sea off Porto Bello on 28 Jan 1596. He was buried at sea.
They profit off the government at the expense of the disadvantaged.
Slave labor was key to making a profit from crops such as tobacco. Also, consumption is key in making a profit from any crop. The continued use of tobacco, despite its negative effects on the body, made it easier for colonists and early Americans to profit off the growth of tobacco.
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When a person got the Black Death they had raging fevers. Also black swellings grew at their necks and joints. Many victims die within 24 hours. It killed 25 million people or one third of Europe's population. And fleas from infected rats spread one form of the plague. When a person got the Yellow Fever they experienced pains in the head, back and limbs accompanied by a high fever. The person's skin and eyes turned yellow and also they vomited black clots of blood. Death followed soon after. The fever was spread by mosquitoes feeding off of an infected person then feeding off of a healthy person. It also killed ten percent of Philadelphia's population in the first month alone.
Well, after the initial shock wore off, I would contact the media and see how I could profit from the event.
A high temperature (fever) is the body's natural response to infection as it helps to kill off the invading pathogens by making the body less hospitable for them. However, very high fever can be dangerous and may need medical treatment.