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Mostly young and servants were affected. While rich managed to hide safely.

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Q: Who was afected by the plague and were they young old rich or poor?
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Did only poor people catch the plague?

Rich people left towns and cities to get away from the plague. Poor people did not have that option so more poor people died of the plague.

How did the bubonic plague affect Europe?

The plague killed indiscriminately – young and old, rich and poor – but especially in the cities and among groups who had close contact with the sick. Entire monasteries filled with friars were wiped out and Europe lost most of its doctors.

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No, he was not, and as a young artist he was very poor.

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Yes, Mahatma Gandhi was certainly born in a rich family as his father was the Prime Minister of Porbander. He also studied law in the University College London.

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Dolley Madison was not rich nor was she poor,Dolley was in the middle if you were putting her family on a rich meter.Her life turned out alright.

How were English teachers affected during the plague?

At the time of the plague there were very few schools and those schools that did exist mainly taught Mathematics and The Classics (Greek and Latin). The plague effected everyone in much the same way, regardless of whether they were rich or poor, teachers or pupils.

How did the bubonic plague spread throught Europe?

The plague killed indiscriminately – young and old, rich and poor – but especially in the cities and among groups who had close contact with the sick. Entire monasteries filled with friars were wiped out and Europe lost most of its doctors. In the countryside, whole villages were abandoned. So yes i do and if you Thach people when you have embolus its going to spared around

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