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Nobody, yet. There is no known cure for influenze (the 'flu). There are vaccinations which can help to prevent one from getting the 'flu, but these are not cures. They work by giving the person a small dose of the virus thought most likely to strike an area, and this gets the person's immune system to make antibodies against that particular virus. If that particular virus is the one which strikes, then the person may not get the 'flu - not "will not", just "may not". If a different strain of the virus is what strikes then the vaccinated person may have no immunity.

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There still is no cure, only prevention. The best prevention is a vaccination along with hand washing and other measures to reduce contact with virus particles.

See below in the related questions section for more information about how the flu is treated.

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Maurice Ralph Hilleman

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Q: Who made a cure for the flu?
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Well... he cured polio and made a better cure for the flu... if that helps....

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There is no "cure" for gastric flu or any other type of flu. Flu shots you get are preventative medicine, they do not cure you of anything.With any flu, you want to drink plenty of liquids, you will have depleted electrolytes and Gatorade is good to help replenish them. But drink water as well.

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There was no cure. The 1918 flu killed 500,000 Americans and over 20 million worldwide. They did what they could to make people comfortable and control the fever but had to let the disease run its course.

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There is no cure for Swine Flu.

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The flu is a virus, and viruses have no cure, so really your only line of defense is your immune system. Strawberries and can help treat the flu on account of the vitamins it has, but really the best way to cure your flu is just to rest, drink plenty of fluids, and make sure to ingest vitamin C.

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swine flu is fake. it doesn't excist.

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trimethoprim-smx-tmp-tablets cure flu

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No there isn't really a cure. But everybody will be offered the vaccine.

Is chicken noodle soup a good cure for a flu?

Chicken noodle soup in and of itself does not actually cure anyone of the flu. However because it is served warm and because of its flavors, it does soothe the body and help the body get the rest that is required to fight the flu.

Can sub zero temperatures cure a cold or flu?

No. Cold and flu viruses are unaffected by cold or even freezing temperatures.