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I begin to get grey hair when I was 8 years old 5-6 strands at a time and increasing in abundance every year. I am 24 years old and 10 months old and I have about 40% grey hair at this time.

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Q: Who is the youngest person with gray hair?
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What is the youngest age at which a person has had of head full of grey or silver hair color?

It has been known for a newborn to have silver hair. This depends on the parent's genetic path. However, most babies hair gets darker with age. Most often, people who go prematurely gray are completely gray by age 20. However, nutritional deficits and other health conditions can affect children and cause gray hair at any age, so there is no certain age as the youngest.

Who is youngest person to have a mustache?

The youngest person to have a mustache would likely be a newborn baby who was born with hair on their upper lip that resembles a mustache. However, it is uncommon for infants to have noticeable facial hair.

Can gray hair turn brown again?

Yes, only if the person uses hair dye.

What are some tips for coloring in gray hair?

If a person wants to color their gray hair, they must remember that gray hair is more difficult to color than other hair. The colorant will need to be left on the hair for a longer period than non-gray hair. Also, one will have better success with color tones have some red pigment in them.

Why would you get gray hair?

the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color - like gray, silver, or white - as it grows. As people continue to get older, fewer pigment cells will be around to produce melanin. Eventually, the hair will look completely gray. People can get gray hair at any age. Some people go gray at a young age - as early as when they are in high school or college - whereas others may be in their 30s or 40s before they see that first gray hair. How early we get gray hair is determined by our genes. This means that most of us will start having gray hairs around the same age that our parents or grandparents first did. Gray hair is more noticeable in people with darker hair because it stands out, but people with naturally lighter hair are just as likely to go gray. From the time a person notices a few gray hairs, it may take more than 10 years for all of that person's hair to turn gray. Some people think that a big shock or trauma can turn a person's hair white or gray overnight, but scientists don't really believe that this happens.

Does leg hair turn gray?

yes as the person gets older they grow a lot of grey or white hair

Does everyone's hair turn gray?

yes, it all depend on your age the older you grow the more! Heredity is the number one factor as to whether or not a person's hair will turn gray as they age.

What happens when you pluck a gray hair?

Nothing happens when you pluck a gray hair

Is there any such thing as gray hair or does the hair simply look gray because of the mixture of colored and white hairs?

There is something called gray hair as there is both black , white and that hair in between black and white is seen as gray hair.

Why does people hair turn gray when they get old?

Hair turns gray as people age due to a decrease in melanin production in the hair follicles. Melanin is the pigment responsible for giving hair its color. As we age, our hair follicles produce less melanin, causing hair to appear gray or white.

How do you color your blonde hair gray?

Get some Grey Hair dye! WHY DO YOU WANT YOUR HAIR GREY?

Will blonde hair color cover all gray hair?

Yes. Blonde is the best to cover gray hair.