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The youngest public information is of 8 years old, which was confirmed in a young girl named Dana in the UK. There have been reports of children younger, but there have not been confirmation reports or deatils, often due to privacy restirction from their young age.

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12y ago
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16y ago

My friend Katie, probably. She's dead now, so I don't know if she counts. But she was 5'8'' and she weighed 69 lbs.

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15y ago

There was a 4year old girl that didn't like food so she starved her self to death, literaly! So she was kinda anorexic.

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14y ago

The youngest I know of is a 6-year-old girl.

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13y ago

Karen Carpenter was the firsy person to die from it i am assuming she was the first person

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Q: Who is the youngest anorexic in the world?
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Pele is the youngest to me as he was only 17 years , at his first world cup.

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An anorexic is a person who suffers from anorexia.

Is Pele the youngest soccer player to enter the world cup?

No Pele is not the youngest, but he is the youngest to win a world cup at 17 years.

Who was the youngest pilgrim?

Type your answer here... oceanus was the youngest she was born when they were first in the new world